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I put an event filter into my Ruby program. It gets triggered by the correct interface
and correctly identifies key press events, but I cannot identify what key has been pressed.
It looks like I have a generic event that does not know it's a key, so a call to event.key()
is undefined. In C++ one would typecast the event to a key event, but I don't know of the
ruby equivalent and suspect there's another way.
class KeyPressEater < QObject
def eventFilter(obj, evt)
if evt.type == QEvent::KeyPress
if evt.key == Qt::Key_Tab # dies here: undefined method 'key'
Anyone know how I identify what key has been pressed?
Try 0x01000001 in place of Qt::Key_Tab, which is the actual hex value that should be inside Key_Tab (link). If that doesn't work, can you post a runnable script? i.e. a script where you invoke KeyPressEater. That will help debug.
Hi David,
are you using 0.24 Python eval? There was an issue with subclasses passed to arguments of basic class type. This will hit here. It has been fixed in 0.24, but it may be there in 0.23 as well.
In fact, "obj" is not a QKeyEvent as expected, but is a plain "QEvent". As such, it does not have a key method. And sadly, there is no way of working around that in the event filter without that fix.
Thank you. I am using 0.24 Python eval because it was suggested I move from 0.23. The goal was to get better behavior from enums that seemed to be missing or inaccessible in 0.23 as arguments of ruby calls to Qt.
I am getting exactly the behavior you described, that is, a QEvent rather than a QKeyEvent. So it seemed that I was supposed to somehow cast it to the correct event type, but from what you say, I just need a code fix.
I'll try 0.24 when I have a chance. The most recent build, r2847, still identifies itself in version.h as
0.24-python-eval. Is there a way for me to get the code fix?