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Adding to my toolbox
per discussion with @sebastian
on this thread
#Boolean functions based on Regions
#Functions to add box,circle, path and polygon
#Tracy Groller : 4/2/2021
#per discussion with sebastian
#on this thread
import pya
import array
import sys
import math
import time
mw = pya.Application.instance().main_window()
layout = pya.Application.instance().main_window().current_view().active_cellview().layout()
topcell = pya.Application.instance().main_window().current_view().active_cellview().cell
lv = pya.Application.instance().main_window().current_view()
if layout == None:
raise Exception("No layout")
cv = pya.Application.instance().main_window().current_view().active_cellview()
dbu =layout.dbu
cell = pya.Application.instance().main_window().current_view().active_cellview().cell
if cell == None:
raise Exception("No cell")
n = 2000 # number of points
r = 2*2 # radius
da = 2 * math.pi / n
def coords(path):
result = []
for p in path:
return result
def create_path(crd,wd,lay):
wdt = wd
layer_info =,0)
layer_index = layout.layer(layer_info)
def create_polygon(crd,lay):
layer_info =,0)
layer_index = layout.layer(layer_info)
def create_box(crd,lay):
layer_info =,0)
layer_index = layout.layer(layer_info)
circle = []
for i in range(0, n):
path = r * math.cos(i * da), r * math.sin(i * da)
lay1 = 9
lay2 = 5
pth = coords(circle)
#Uncomment to draw circle
#Uncomment to draw boxes
box = [(-6.818,-1.185), (-5.195,3.591)]
crd = coords(box)
box = [(5.742,-2.333), (7.674,2.771)]
crd = coords(box)
box = [(-2.827,0.849), (-1.326,2.469)]
crd = coords(box)
box = [(0.730,-2.708), (2.231,-1.088)]
crd = coords(box)
def select_set(lay1,lay2,num):
lv.transaction("Undo Select")
lif1 =,0)
li1 = layout.layer(lif1)
lif2 =,0)
li2 = layout.layer(lif2)
r1 = pya.Region(topcell.begin_shapes_rec(li1))
r2 = pya.Region(topcell.begin_shapes_rec(li2))
if num == 1:
selection = r2.select_inside(r1)
elif num == 2:
selection = r2.select_interacting(r1)
elif num == 3:
selection = r2.select_not_inside(r1)
elif num == 4:
selection = r2.select_not_interacting(r1)
elif num == 5:
selection = r2.select_not_outside(r1)
elif num == 6:
selection = r2.select_not_overlapping(r1)
elif num == 7:
selection = r2.select_outside(r1)
elif num == 8:
selection = r2.select_overlapping(r1)
output = layout.layer(lif2)
def select_bool(lay1,lay2,out,num):
lv.transaction("Undo Boolean")
out =,0)
lif1 =,0)
li1 = layout.layer(lif1)
lif2 =,0)
li2 = layout.layer(lif2)
r1 = pya.Region(topcell.begin_shapes_rec(li1))
r2 = pya.Region(topcell.begin_shapes_rec(li2))
if num == 1:
selection = r1 - r2
elif num == 2:
selection = r1 + r2
elif num == 3:
selection = r1 & r2
elif num == 4:
selection = r1 ^ r2
elif num == 5:
selection = r1 | r2
output = layout.layer(out)
#1 select_inside
#2 select_interacting
#3 select_not_inside
#4 select_not_interacting
#5 select_not_outside
#6 select_not_overlapping
#7 select_outside
#8 select_overlapping
lay1 = 9
lay2 = 5
num = 8 #based on number above
#Boolean Functions
#1 r1 - r2
#2 r1 + r2
#3 r1 & r2
#4 r1 ^ r2
#5 r1 | r2
lay1 = 9
lay2 = 5
num = 1 #Boolean based on number above
out = 11 #layer to output results
I am new in Klayout and Klayout scripting world. I want to learn basic boolean operation in the layout and came accros this post. Thanks, this looks perfect. Only I tried this code to do OR operation of layer1 and layer2 shapes already exists in the cell and save it to layer3 (also delete layer1 and layer2); but I get an error message that 'LayerInfo' is not defined. I thought this is already a built-in class. The code is same as in the original post -
Try this
Uncomment the Boxes to draw the boxes
Comment the Boolean function
Run the Code
the comment the Boxes and uncomment the boolean function then run the code
I modified your code this should work
I have tried it.. but it still gives some error in LayerInfo class like this -

ok if I use ",0)" instead of ",0)" then it finds the class. Thanks a lot for your help. It is now wo
That's great not sure why I was not seeing the same error but, yes adding pya in front of the functions does work.
If it is needed to put the circle with a specified center, then it can be done like this with tagger5896's code-
Very good I have made a function out of this along with the radius
@tagger5896 Thanks a lot for sharing so much code
I appreciate that!
Best regards,
Trying to help the user base by making thing's a bit simpler, these could be added as base functions to be loaded perhaps?
Still working on the router. It's getting there but little gremlins here and there and no I did not give them water after midnight
@tagger5896 Well, actually "Polygon#ellipse" is already doing that but I enjoyed this conversation
Here is an example (12-point circle with a diameter of 1000 DBU and centered around 500, 500):
Thanks , learn something new everyday will add this too my toolbox
I have tried it.. but it gives some error in LayerInfo class like this -
'NoneType' object has no attribute 'active_cellview'
see @sheikh_nir comment above
Did you add the following above the code
@szxahun It looks like you don't have a layout opened. current_view() seems to be None which means that no layout is loaded.