@dick_freebird I agree with you, but I think we can set some control points and restrict auto layout a little bit, and then everything is fine. In my opinion, it will be a little bit convenient, of course currently, it cannot deal everything.
Oh my god, is this mean that for region stuff, we can not use float coordinates? Is this mean that if we want to deal with nm, we need to use dbu as coordinate first, and to make integer coordinates, and then we convert to um? Seems this is not conv…
OK, I get your idea. But you know if we use python macro in KLayout. We need to add a location. Maybe you can consider to make this location also as the default searching directory. Then we do not need to use sys.path.add() to add the searching dire…
Normally, I write them directly in PyCharm and run them to write layout into KLayout.
Today I tried your code in KLaout Macro tab. It works well, but with a small problem. I find that I need to use absolute path rather tham relative path. I mean I …
Thank you. I get it. So is there a way to change unit from dbu to um by using Python Script? I mean not by multiplying like 1e3 or something. What I really want is like a global unit control.