Finally, I achieved a resolution of 0.378 µm per pixel! The method was to align the points of the primitives (either boxes or polygons) to the nearest multiple of 0.378.
The advantage of this approach is that it truly achieves 0.378 µm p…
Finally, I achieved a resolution of 0.378 µm per pixel! The method was to align the points of the primitives (either boxes or polygons) to the nearest multiple of 0.378.
The advantage of this approach is that it truly ach…
@Matthias @leo_cy
Hello, Happy New Year!
I used the rasterize() function to convert GDS to BMP. My goal is to split the GDS image into fields of 408.24 [um], with the output image being 1080x1080, and achieving a resolution of 0.378 microns per pix…
Happy New Year!
Yes, I agree with you. However, I must generate 1080-pixel images. A 1080p image corresponds to a 408.24 [um] field, where a line width of 0.378 [um] corresponds to 1 pixel. I’ll try discussing with the project manag…
Yes, thank you for your suggestion. I used the rasterize API you recommended, and the results have significantly improved. However, some issues still remain, as detailed in my reply to Sekigawa.
' ' '
As I observed above, your bitmap resolution (DPI) is too small.
So, I remade your Python script (see the attached ZIP file).
The wrapper batch (RunKlayoutDxf2Png.bat) script is no longer required.
I tested it on Linux Mint 20.3, Wi…
Hi ! @sekigawa
With more observations, I understood as follows:
' ' '
The output image size is 1080x1080 [pix].
The top cell's bounding box is 2041.2 [um] square.
If the above bounding box is split into 5x5 regions, each covers a 408.24 [um] square…
Happy New Year!
Thanks For you so-detailed reply.I was so busy Recently. Now I get back.
' ' '
1.Some Polylines are not converted to Polygons but treated as zero-width Paths.
Answer: Yes, this is because the DXF image was drawn in QCA…