Hi Matthias,
I am also interested in using HTTPS. Could you confirm the contents of the certificate, such as the Common Name (CN) and Organisation (O) fields, as well as one of the checksums so we can be sure we're talking to the correct server?
Hi Matthias,
Thank you so much for looking into this issue and providing a very simple solution at the same time! I will test it immediately.
You are right, I still am a bit confused about how a PCell is actually created. Through debugging (my abo…
You are right. Once that repository is filled with all sorts of examples, it will be a good reference. Maybe there could even be a "templates" category which has minimal patterns of some basic concepts. It depends however on the us…
David, what you said
...cleared this up for me. I might have missed that in the earlier posts in this thread. So if Matthias is willing to add your plugin, I think this could be a good idea for a simple scripts repository.
For a moment I w…
Hi David,
I can definitely see the use case for the "small" scripts. I guess what I wanted to say is that for these cases, it would be almost necessary to integrate such functionality with this forum here, as it seems to make sense to hav…
Hi again,
in the meanwhile I created a minimal example of what I would like to do and which causes a similar error. Here is the code of the hierarchical PCells:
class ParentPCell < RBA::PCellDeclarationHelper def initialize super param(:…
Hi David,
I just had a first look at your forum and took the opportunity to browse your web page - very impressive!
Having the scripts searchable and in categories (or, maybe more flexibly, taggable) is definitely a good idea. For bigger scripts (…
Sorry for bumping this old thread, but I think I have the same error again with KLayout v0.24-python-eval - but this time, I can't see the circular reference!
To debug the instantiation tree, I added the following debug code on top of my script to …
Hi all,
here is my translation to Python:
import pyadef gen_ui(): global wdg if 'wdg' in globals(): if wdg is not None and not wdg.destroyed(): wdg.destroy() wdg = pya.QDialog(pya.Application.instance().main_window()) wdg.setAttribute(…
Ok, I tried to completely follow Matthias' advice on properly "parenting" each and every one of the widgets in the code. I also removed the menu parts and app.exec to make it a simple macro to be run from the Macro Development window. Here…
Hi covalent,
I think the reason why you see it "embedded" within the main KLayout window is because wdg is a QWidget, not a QDialog or QMainWindow. I have adapted the code to the latter, as follows, for my 0.24-python-eval version:
def g…
Hi diegonolovich,
The following code works for normal cells, but I think it should also work for a PCell. Just add the following code to the end of your produce_impl method:
t = Trans.new(Trans::M90)cell.each_inst do |inst| inst.transform(t)endla…
Hi covalent,
I am currently running version 0.23.10 under Win7. I just tried your code (including the app.exec line at the end) via klayout -r Discussion611.lym.
Discussion611.lym is your complete code (copy-pasted into the Macro editor) from the …
Hi covalent,
I have used the Qt binding to do similar things. Looking at your code, there are two issues that come to my mind:
* You don't need to call app.exec at the end. This seems to be a pattern in creating standalone Qt applications but in o…
Hi Matthias,
Thank you for this explanation! Now the error message makes more sense to me :-)
The line
inst.parent_cell.change_pcell_parameters(inst, "text", "HELLO_PCELL")
now works, for both the 0.24-python-eval version on …
Hi Matthias,
Thanks for pointing me into the right direction, seems like I made a silly mistake when re-typing the commands, re-building with the -with-qtbinding option set worked nicely.
One question about the reported version, though: At the Hel…
Hi Matthias,
Thank you so much for mentioning version 0.24, even though I couldn't build the current snapshot, I am using the 0.24-python-eval version now and you are correct, the Macro Development window is now much less "aggressive" in …
As I was unable to build klayout-r2739, today I tried using the klayout-0.24-python-eval version (which by the way built fine on my Ubuntu VM), on both Windows 7 and the Ubuntu VM.
The script from above led to the very same error on both platforms,…
Hi Raveriux,
Here is a small script which will show a list of bounding box centre coordinates of every selected shape:
module Discussion592 include RBA mw = Application::instance.main_window lv =mw.current_view info = "The center points o…
Hi Matthias,
Thanks a lot for your continued support and this great software! Apparently I keep getting confused about the manifold relationships between GDS layer numbers, layer names in .lyp files and layer indices used in the layout database. I …
Hi again.
Thanks for your help David, I have changed your code slightly (and removed a small error where you had cv_index = cv.cell_index) to create a get_layer_name function as follows:
def self.get_layer_name(layer_index) lv = Application::inst…
Just tried this again on KLayout 0.23.10 under my Ubuntu VM and there, the dock sometimes prevents the button on the QDockWidget to be clicked and the focus always goes to the Macro Development window after clicking anything on the main window. Whic…
Hi guys,
Thanks for looking into this.
While investigating, I have found at least one reason for the focus issue: In my setup, there was a LYM file which started a QTimer automatically in the background at startup, running code repeatedly to updat…
Hi David,
Yes, I have the same "stolen focus" problems on Ubuntu 14.04.
That is why I think it might have something to do with the specific way Qt handles "always on top" windows. But maybe it is just the way KLayout uses Qt. I…
Hi Matthias,
Should this code still work in version 0.23.10? With this code, I get a undefined method 'cv_index' for #<RBA::LayerPropertiesNode:0x0000000712f704> error. Here is the code:
def self.get_layer_name2(layer_index) lv = Applicatio…
Hi Matthias,
Sorry for bumping this thread, but I am struggling with the same issues as David regarding the Macro Development window "stealing the focus" from the main KLayout window. I am mainly running KLayout under Windows 7 but recent…
Thanks for pointing that out. After re-arranging generating script I got it to work. Since I'm working on a convenience API layer for layout generation which will be called from user scripts, this layer should probably check for recursive hierarchy …
Thank you Matthias, for the thorough explanation.
I am actually working on a medium-size Ruby project to procedurally generate layout. I now changed it to keep Shape references instead of the geometric primitives, since the latter aren't references…
Thanks for the hint.
In the (partially incomplete) GDSII format documents I have found, it says that you can have only something around 127 user properties and each one can only be 126 characters long at maximum.
Since this is rather restrictive, …
Ah, found the reason: The 64bit QT libraries seem to be under /usr/lib64/qt4/lib64. Therefore, the build command I had to use was:
./build.sh -platform linux-64-gcc-release -qtbin /usr/lib64/qt4/bin -qtlib /usr/lib64/qt4/lib64 -qtinc /usr/lib64/qt4…