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  • \o/ Matthias you rock ! Indeed with that change it checks out in no time at all. I've pinged the ihp folks about that, we'll see what they say ...
  • Attached is a new CDL which I think is correct. OpenROAD had a bug, I think I fixed it but LVS still isn't proceeding. I didn't wait as long yet, but in 15 min, still no results. EDIT: CDL definitely looks correct. I was actually able to match it a…
  • Actually I think the CDL written out by OpenROAD is incorrect. Of course it's still be nice if KLayout reported a LVS mismatch instead of not finishing :)
  • The GDS included in the example you have is the "simplified one" where all sub cells have been replaced by blank ones with just the pins. I had noticed the issue with the substrate and I had hacked the LVS to just remove all the "ext…
  • Hi Matthias, Thanks a lot, that indeed fixes the issue and now I understand more where they stemmed from. I opened a PR for upstream to merge the patch ( ). Cheers, Sylvain
  • Latest attempt ... There is some progress but I had to so so much hacking in the GDS and in the lvs script that my confidence in the result is going down ... I'm actually pretty sure it's not checking what I want because I had to use "implicit…
  • Here's a good one. Note that for power pins which have several shaped, there is only a single label ! (That GDS is produced by KLayout from a DEF and that's just what it does ...). So hopefully it can read its own GDS and the user property to figur…
  • Oh, wait a second, I put the wrong GDS in there (I tried a bunch of variation for my "blackboxing" script and it was not in a good state when I generated it last night ...) I'll upload a new one during the day.
  • Sure attached is an example. It should have all the relevant CDL and includes the "simplified" GDS. I also included the default PDK LVS script.
  • But the device isn't assembled over hierarchy. The sg13g2_antennanp is self contained. And actually running LVS on itself only works fine. I've attached an example.