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  • In some cases I also have active QProcess object, and on exit KLayout prints "Warning: QProcess: Destroyed while process is still running." Do I have to perform any additional cleanup actions ?
  • Update: for Windows case I have replaced self.process.readyReadStandardOutput = self.on_ready_read_standard_output by self.process.readyRead = self.on_ready_read_standard_output and it started to produce correct output. Looks like there are some…
  • Hi Matthias, thanks for the fast reply. I want to run the script from menu, and with your help I was able to get the right response from the ping command on Centos 7 (just running your script): ('result = ', 'PING ( 56(84) byte…
  • I think that first I have to test performance with the use of shared object, and then select the most suitable approach. Thanks again for the thorough explanation !
  • Hi Matthias, thanks again ! I think that with binary GDS it will be even faster ) But also I am curious about dll/so plugin usage: is it possible to load shared object through the Ruby interface or I definitely have to recompile KLayout, to add dl…
  • Hi, looks like I do not have any more choice - for small markers use Ruby, for large ones - GDS/OASIS. Could you please direct me to the sample for loading of GDS into the same pane ?
  • Thanks, I was able to load markers (XML format is the one that KLayout supports) Now I can select markers from Tools->Marker Browser->Marker Database Browser dialog But I want something different: I want not only to load markers, but also to …