Live Drawing

Hello Matthias,
I use quite extensive your klayout python module (thanks for that great work). For some tasks the user require to see updates of the Design. Right now I use always start klayout GUI to do so. I wonder on how I could realize best a kind of live preview in QT.
I experimented with your nice example:

    from klayout.QtCore import *
    from klayout.QtGui import *
    from klayout.QtWidgets import *
    from klayout.lay import *

    app = QApplication([ "reticle" ])

    w = LayoutView()
    w.load_layout("pcm.gds", False)

    w = None

Target is to replace the drawing in the GUI with a kind of Mini-Klayout view.
How would you start realizing it?



  • Hi Andy,

    in the current version, the LayoutView cannot be used as a standalone widget. It's too rightly coupled with MainWindow.

    However, this will become possible in the next major release. In this release, LayoutView is a widget that can be used stand alone pretty similar to the way you propose. I've finished the necessary code refactoring, but it's far from being in a good shape.

    You can try the master branch on GitHub if you need to. You can also pull a regular build from here: But beware that your script will finally only run on future versions.



  • Thanks for your feedback Matthias,
    I'll try the code from github.
    I build a complete Mask Generation and WaferMap tool out of all pre-releases you published of the standalone python module and it works fantastic.

    Best Regards,

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