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I am not able to save changes after editing even if I have started Klayout in "editing-mode". If I use "Save As", a file is saved. But the content of the file is the same as before the editing, so all editing is skipped. The Klayout version I use is 0.26.3
I can't confirm this. I'm using "Save As" myself hundred times a day without issues along with many other users.
What exactly are you doing? And whats the platform you're on?
I am moving layer around and deleting layers. After that I use "Save As". The deleted layers are still there. The moved layers are not moved. If I delete a shape or add a shape in any layer this will be included and stored. Platform=Windows 10 Enterprise
I assume you delete layers from the layer list. This will not delete a layer from the file, but only from the list of layers shown. The data is still there.
You'll see that is working in Viewer mode too.
To delete a layer from the database, use edit mode and Edit/Layer/Delete.
Ok, I understand. Thank you for the clarification.
Ha, I also encounter the same thing. Your explanation is very helpful. @Matthias