cant save layer stack in trace net

edited June 2012 in General
i cant save the layer stack in trace net,

this is an install on red hat, 21.18 version

layers go back to default, (nothing) when i click apply.


  • edited November -1


    sorry, I can't find or reproduce a problem. There should be only "Ok" and "Cancel" on the layer stack setup page. There is no "Apply", at least not on my build. If you press "Ok", the layer stack should be saved.



  • edited November -1
    Hi Matthias

    I am having the same problem on CentOS.

    kernal 2.6.18-53.el5

    essentially after typing in the layers for conductors and vias
    hitting the OK button does not appear to save them and when clicking on the layer stack button it appears that the actual layer typed in are missing replaced with "Enter Layer" on the conductors and "None" under the via ( optional )

    I haven't tried it on Ubuntu but I believe that it would work since it did in the past(Klayout 21.15 on Ubuntu 10.10 Qt4.4)

    It would be useful to know what version of Qt that you have used so I can emulate this in my build on CentOS we can only get hold of Qt4.2.1

  • edited November -1

    Hi David,

    Qt 4.2.1 is actually a pretty old one. The oldest one I was ever using was 4.2.3.

    I am currently using 4.5 and later (up to 4.7). My Ubuntu 10.04LTS is at 4.6.2 now.

    Usually Qt is pretty well compatible, but older versions may have bugs that have been fixed in between. But some missing features might be hard to emulate, so I'd discourage using versions later that 4.5 (4.4 may work well, but I have not tested that recently).

    Maybe you can check if the net tracer feature works on the windows built. If it does it is a strong indication that it's a problem related to the old Qt version.

    Best regards,


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