I cant install the windows python package in my KLayout

edited January 2023 in KLayout Support

**and its the same for the SIEPIC packages **


  • No idea if this solves your issue, but perhaps it helps. If you are missing a particular python package in KLayout it is possible to install it manually, provided you have some python installation with pip. You can run

    pip install [package] --target=%HOMEPATH%\AppData\Roaming\KLayout\lib\python3.8\site-packages

    which should be the current internal python installation of klayout. You may have to chagne the path depending on your installation (in particular python3.8 may be different for different KLayout versions)

  • I'm not sure I understand what the correct line would be
    and this emty technologies error accure to me when i try to install everything

  • I've seen the same error message (m_technologies.empty() ...) with my own installation, but I could not debug the cause yet.

    However, in my case it does not seem to cause any trouble. You're sure the package is not installed?


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