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I currently import my geometries from DXF-files from the GUI with Import>Other files into current.
This works perfectly fine, but as I have to this repetitively for a high number of geometries I want to write a python macro to automize this import.
From the documentation and other discussions here, I put together the following script:
Scrip that imports a geometry from a dxf file into an existing layout on a specified layer& Cell
#Package imports
import pya
#Get Current Layout
#Get Top Cell
#Define the desired layer to input the geometry
#Define the resulting shapes:
Shapes=TopCell.shapes(lyr); # Shapes to put in the Die labels
#Define the Path of the dxf file to import
dxfPath="Path/File.dxf" #just an example
#Define the load options
load_options = pya.LoadLayoutOptions()
#Set the layer map of the load options
lmap=pya.LayerMap()"0-255/0-255", lyr)
#Read/Load the dxf file:, load_options)
I don't get any errors when running this script, however there is no geometry imported.
I think it has something to do with layermapping asI don't fully understand how this works.
My overall goal is to load a geometry from a dxf file and import it into a specified cell and layer of an existing lyaout.
What do I need to change/adapt?
Best regards and thanks for the help,
Hi @Stephan_Kohler,
to emulate the "import layout" behavior you need to first read the DXF file and then copy over the content to the target layout.
Like here:
The layer mapping is best done the way it is shown above using a mapping string. In my case, the DXF file had three layers called "ONE", "L2D0" and "LayerThree".
Also, don't forget "add_missing_layers" - otherwise the layout view will now show the new layers.
Hello Matthias
Thank you a lot for your quick and good support.

I copied your concept and my "automized" import now works perfect.
I also figured out that if I add: "pya.LayoutView.current().add_missing_layers()" to my initial code, it works but shows the geometry on a new layer "0 0/0". So I assume that the layer mapping I used was wrong.
Best regards and many thanks,
Very good
0/0 is a special layer in DXF (a kind of wildcard). Usually, geometry should not show up there if they are properly assigned to a layer, but it can appear inside blocks that lack destination layer mapping.