Comment line without X windows

edited December 2012 in General
Hi all:
I've built klayout-0.21.11 in RedHat5
however when I use the command ./klayout -r myRubyScript.rb -z
it returns klayout: cannot connect to X server

My question is: does it need X windows anyway even I use the "-z" arg.?
However here says:
"-z" will disable the user interface. Therefore, this KLayout call can be used in scripts and on servers without X connection for example.

Thanks for reading this :)


  • edited December 2012


    In version 0.21.x that is actually required, because Qt initialization requires that. If you don't have an X11 display you may consider using a virtual X server (i.e. "vncserver") to create a X11 environment without having an actual screen.

    That problem has been recognized and there is a solution in version 0.22.x. In that version (I strongly recommend 0.22.3), there is a new option, namely "-zz" which does not require a X display. But some screen-related objects are not available with that option, specifically MainWindow and LayoutView. Hence, this option is useful mainly for pure layout generation and manipulation scenarios.



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