I'm wondering how people have handled various map files with KLayout. I have very large Oasis and GDS map files in the following format:
{layer#} {layerPurpose#} {humanReadableLayerName}
101 1 Metal1
And I want to transform that list into a KLayout layer properties file in XML format. Has anyone ever done that before? (just checking before I go and reinvent the wheel with a Perl script)
Also, it might be a nice feature-request to have a way of importing simple text based layer map files and let KLayout randomize the rest of the info (colors, stipple, etc).
Hi Matt,
there is a script which converts Calibre's layer map files (which have a syntax similar to yours) to KLayout layer properties files. See the corresponding forum entry here: http://klayout.de/forum/comments.php?DiscussionID=48&page=1
At least this script may serve as a starting point for your own version and the forum entry gives some details about the layer properties format.
Best regards,
One question - Is there documentation on the the various XML tags and formatting for the layer properties file? There's some discussion of it in the general documentation but not an explicit listing of tags and structures. I admit I've used test design files with various changes to the layer properties to see what the outputted XML format looks like.
And, in general, thanks for KLayout!! It's a very useful (and powerful) tool.
Hi MattF,
thank you for that feedback :-)
Regarding the documentation: there wasn't any, but now there is one here.
Best regards,