how to do "select and make cell " using python

I would like to group objects within an area inside the parent cell into a smaller cell, which can be easily achieved through select and make cell using the GUI. However, I couldn't find a way to do that using the Python Script. I tried the clip function but the clip won't remove the co-responding area in the parent cell. Any suggestion on suitable function/class would be very helpful.


  • Hi @billlch,

    actually you're not quite right. Turning a rectangular selection into a cell is not something that is easily achieved by the UI function. It will only turn the selected objects into a cell. These do not necessarily form a rectangular region. It maybe less (in case of polygons partially outside the selection box) or more (in case or array instances with array member outside the selection box).

    A script that emulates the UI function can be made, but a script that truly turns a selected rectangle into a cell is a difficult endeavor. Seamlessly deleting objects from a cell while preserving as much as possible from the original hierarchy is a complex algorithm.

    One approximation is to separate the area into clips and taking out the one you're interesting in, then flatten the others. Like this:

    In that case, you create five clips, take out the red one and flatten the other clip cells, so they would reveal the original hierarchy - except at the cut lines.


  • Thank you for your comment! I have thought about the 5 clips method but it felt like a not so elegant solution compared to the selection and make cell approach. I didn't realize it is much more complicated under the hood! I guess I will write a custom function that turn large rectangle into smaller rectangles.

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