Marker Database Browser Configuration via script


Is there any way to configure the Marker Database Browser in the DRC script? Basically, I'd like to set the marker color, stipple, max number of markers, etc., without having to configure them manually.



  • Hi Brian,

    yes, you can use MainWindow#set_config to configure the Marker Browser behavior.

    The configuration keys can be found in the "klayoutrc" file. They are called "rdb-...".

    For example, to configure the marker color to bright green, use

    RBA::MainWindow.instance.set_config("rdb-marker-color", "#00ff00")

    But honestly, configuring UI things in a DRC script is a strange idea. What if you run DRC outside a UI environment - i.e. in batch mode? In that case, the above function will make the script error out.

    Why not setting that up in a preconfigured environment or through some separate, auto-loaded script?


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