How to take cross-section of a T-shaped-gate and its passivation

Can you help with cross section script of a T-shaped gate and passivate it with another layer.



  • Hi Waqar,

    The script of cross section is highly depents on the layout and the process you are using, blow is a example of forming a passivated T shaped object using two layer of PR, liftoff, and applying a comformed layer.

    delta(5 * dbu)
    tg_mk    = layer("1/0")
    subtrate = deposit(1.00) 
    pr_1     = deposit(0.30) 
    pr_2     = deposit(0.50) 
    mask(tg_mk).etch(0.50, 0.20,  :into => [pr_2])
    mask(tg_mk).etch(0.30,        :into => [pr_1])
    tg_m = deposit(  0.40, 0.40,  :mode => :round)
    etch(            0.40,        :into => [tg_m])
    etch(            0.80, 0.80,  :into => [pr_2, pr_1])
    pas  = deposit(  0.01, 0.01,  :mode => :round)
    output("pas",   pas)
    output("tg_m", tg_m)
    output("pr_1", pr_1)
    output("pr_2", pr_2)
    output("subtrate", subtrate)
  • Dear @RawrRanger ,
    Thanks for your efforts. Highly appreciated.

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