is there a possibility to past (Ctrl+V) at the cursor position?

Ctrl+B duplicates the selection on the same position. for Ctrl-V i would expect that the duplicate is set to the cursor position. but in my KLayout its placed also at the same position. that means that i need to copy and past and move instead of copy and paste :)

is there a modifier for Ctrl+V to paste on the cursor position, do i have a wrong setting, or is this intended?


  • No there is not. You're referring to to the how Virtuoso does it.

    I personally hate the Virtuoso way. I never get the position right with Virtuoso. And sometimes I want to pasted things to be at exactly the same position than before - e.g. when porting things between identical cells. And I don't know how to achieve this with Virtuoso.


  • i dont know Virtuoso, but inkscape, GiMP.

    inkscape and GiMP have copy, cut, paste (Ctrl+V) and past_in_place (Ctrl+Alt+V):
    past dose paste at the mouse-coordinates, while past_in_place pastes at the copy/cut position.

    the command combination copy and paste_in_place is also implemented in the nice command duplicate (Ctrl+B). but to "fake" the paste (at the mouse-coordinates) i only could make a cell and generate an instance from it - but i think thats a bit extravagant.

  • KLayout has a "paste & move" option - maybe this is what you are looking for. It is called "paste_interactive" and basically does "Ctrl+V" + "Move". You have to bind it to a key before you can use it. In this example it is bound to "H":


  • yes. thats nearly what i searched for, there is only a little problem: if i want to past to a new position, i have to paste_interactive and then to move the mouse. its not possible to place the cursor somewhere and then past_interactive alone.

    would it be possible to change from paste&move to move&paste? then i had exactly what i need, and then KLayout could be configured like GiMP or inkscape...
    paste_interactive would be the same as past like in inkscape, and paste would be the same as inkscapes past_in_place.

    what do You think?

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