Boolean Operation via Source Specification?

Hi there, I'm looking for a way to include boolean operations in the source string of a certain layer. The easiest example would be to show the combination of two layers. So I tried to define Source Strings like that:
1/3@1 AND 2/3@1
But it doesn't work. Is there an easy way to do something alike?



  • No, you cannot do that. Boolean layers have to be computed, for example through a DRC script.


  • Thank you fo the clear answer. I'm using scripts and regions to achieve the desired results. Source strings would just be the easiest way I could think off.


  • Sure, but boolean operations are not trivial. So offering them as built-ins in the source spec would provide a performance issue.

    It was suggested already to do the booleans in pixel space. That is fast, but would easily render nonsense results in dense drawings. Two active pixels from different layers do not necessarily mean the involved features actually overlap. I don't think this is a desirable feature and it would compromise badly the otherwise decent drawing quality.


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