Use the Python script to render the specified area of the GDS file

Use the Python script to render the specified area of the GDS file and save the area as a PNG image. The physical size of the GDS file must be retained.The physical size of the gds file is large, but the physical size of the details is small. You need to zoom in to see the details clearly.How to ensure high-precision rendering?


  • The image rendering functions are not made for high-precision rendering. Some users tried to render layouts to monochrome images for mask making. Don't do that. Rendering is for eye only and details may not be precise to a degree you need for mask manufacturing.

    PNG rendering is limited by the amount the PNG libraries can handle. Maybe also there is a limitation in the PNG format itself. It seems to be 32bit related - limiting payload data size to 2GByte. My experience is that monochrome PNG stops working at image sizes larger than 50k x 50k pixels.


  • Thank you very much for your reply. I followed this link( implemented the process of converting a GDS file to a PNG image, but I do not need to save the image. How can I return the rendered image as a parameter or pass it to the next function? Can I use pix_buffer for this purpose, and how can I convert pix_buffer into a numpy array format? Alternatively, how can I convert the GDS layout view into an 8-bit binary image using this method?"

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