klayout installation on RHEL5

edited February 2013 in General
Hi ,

I'm trying to install the klayout-0.22.5] on RHEL 5 .

When I run ./build.sh I got this output :

# ./build.sh
./build.sh: line 67: ruby1.9: command not found
./build.sh: line 68: ruby1.8: command not found
Found ruby interpreter: ruby
Ruby libray found: /usr/lib64/libruby-static.a
Ruby headers found: /usr/lib64/ruby/1.8/x86_64-linux
Qt installation directory is /usr/lib (lib), /usr/bin (tools) and /usr/lib64/qt4/include (includes)
Ruby installation directory is /usr/lib64/libruby-static.a (lib), /usr/lib64/ruby/1.8/x86_64-linux (includes) and not-used (config for 1.9.x)
Platform is linux-64-gcc-release
*** ERROR: unable to locate Qt MOC in /usr/bin

How to resolve the error issue ?

/Vlad .


  • edited November -1

    Hi Vlad,

    You should check whether you have the Qt development tools installed. Apparently there are only libraries present on your system. You'll probably need some package like "qt-devel".

    If you already have installed the Qt tools on a different location, you can use the "-qtbin" option of the build script to point it to the right location. You might also need to ser "-qtinc" to specify the path to the Qt headers in that case.



  • edited November -1
    For the RHEL 5 the qt and qt4 are available. I installed qt4.x86_64 and qt4-devel.x86_64 packages .

    Do I need to install the qt-devel.x86_64 as well .It's headers path refers to /usr/lib64/qt-3.3 path .

  • edited November -1

    Hi Vlad,

    is the last sentence a question? If it is, the answer is no, because Qt3 headers are not required.


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