How to Copy a Specified Cell from One Layout to Another

edited February 2013 in Ruby Scripting
Hello Matthias,

I would like to know how to search for and then copy a specified cell within an open GDS file to a different blank layout using Ruby. I hope this question is not too vague.



  • edited February 2013

    Hi Jared,

    there is no one-line copy method for KLayout yet. One user found, that you can use the clip method for that purpose, if you specify a clip box larger than the cell's bounding box. A single-line copy method is on my TODO list yet.

    In general case, copying layout from one layout to another involves layer and property mapping.

    There has been a discussion about that topic some time ago:

    Maybe that is helpful.



  • edited November -1
    Thank you for that link.
    Can you tell me why this script keeps crashing KLayout?

    module MyMacro

    include RBA

    mw = RBA::Application::instance.main_window
    ly = RBA::Layout::new"LABELS.gds")
    cell_index = ly.cell_by_name("LABEL_A")

    new_top = ly.add_cell("ROTATED") # "new_top" is newly created cell's name or its "cell index"

    ly.flatten(new_top, -1, true)

    layout = mw.create_layout(0).layout
    layout_view = mw.current_view
    cell = layout.cell(new_top)

    # select the top cell in the view, set up the view's layer list and
    # fit the viewport to the extensions of our layout
    layout_view.select_cell(new_top, 0)
  • edited March 2013

    Hi Jared,

    Inside the script you basically create two layouts: one per "new" and another with "mw.create_layout". The second is empty and "new_top" is only valid in the context of the first one. I guess that is why the program crashes (it shouldn't I admit - but I did no handle every case of invalid values).

    This code should be more like what you want to:

    mw = RBA::Application::instance.main_window
    # This already creates a layout!
    ly = mw.create_layout(0).layout
    layout_view = mw.current_view"LABELS.gds")
    # NOTE: this should check if the cell is really there ...
    cell_index = ly.cell_by_name("LABEL_A")
    new_top = ly.add_cell("ROTATED") 
    ly.flatten(new_top, -1, true)
    # select the top cell in the view, set up the view's layer list and
    # fit the viewport to the extensions of our layout
    layout_view.select_cell(new_top, 0)

    (lacking "LABELS.gds" I have not tested it myself)



  • edited November -1
    It worked exactly how I wanted it to. Thank you again Matthias!
  • edited November -1
    This should be a very simple question. How do I get the index number for a string?
    For example, if a = "ABC" what function can I perform on the variable a in order to determine the number of individual string characters which in this case is three.
  • edited March 2013

    Hi Jared,

    Do you mean the length of the string?

    That is

    "abc".length   # gives 3

    Or do you mean the number of distinct characters?

    That is

    "abc".split(//).uniq.count   # gives 3
    "aab".split(//).uniq.count   # gives 2


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