Hi Matthias,
It seems that the Orientation and Text size functions in Object Properties window didn't work.
I tried to modify these two functions in editor mode and apply the change, however nothing happened in the main window, could you please help to confirm it?
My environment: klayout v0.19.2 on MDK 9.2 amd64 with qt4 v4.3.1
Is it possible to add an info to display the [current number/total selected] in Object Properties window if selected more than two objects?
For example: If two objects are selected, when the properties window is opened, it shows [1/2], after pressed Next button, it switchs to next object and shows [2/2].
Best Regards,
In order to make the text objects show up in the given orientation and size you need to select a vector font and check the "Apply text scaling and orientation" check box on the "Display" page in the "Setup" dialog. By default, text objects show up in a fixed orientation and size. That is probably why you don't see any effect.
Best regards,
Yes, I followed the steps to change the display font from Default to others(Sans serif or Gothic) in Setup window, and the text modified to the one I specified.
Another issue which is not so important, when we select several text objects and try to change the properties, is there a function like "apply modified to all selected"? so we can change the Text Size and Orientation at one time and would not effect the Text and Position.
Best Regards,
applying one change to multiple objects in the selection is not straightforward unfortunately for internal reasons. That is something to go into some "search & replace" functionality.
For your use case however as usual there is a script to do this:
This sample resets the text orientation to r0 and the text size to 1 micron. For demonstration, this script also adds a "*" to the string. For the actual application, this script should be adjusted accordingly.
Best regards,
I tried to run this code with some modification, and the program is crashed on the line "lv.cellview(sel.cv_index).cell.shapes(sel.layer).replace(sel.shape, text)", even I almost remark all the lines.
The error message is "Segmentation fault", and I have no idea how to fix it, could you please give me a hint to solve this issue?
The test platform is klayout v0.19.2, ruby 1.8.6
BTW, is it possible to popup an interactive window that we could input the orientation/size/text in it and apply the input value in the change_texts code?
maybe it would be better for operation.
Best Regards,
the segmentation fault was probably a bug: when a text was selected in a child cell, the script did not work properly. I changed the code above accordingly.
Currently there is not a good method to provide user interfaces with ruby scripts. Therefore this script does not provide a dialog right now.
Best regards,