Hello -
I am using klayout's functionality to merge several GDS files into one, using a ruby script posted by Mathias:
klayout -e -z -rm merge_gds.rb
(see http://klayout.de/forum/comments.php?DiscussionID=103&page=1#Item_0)
This functionality is very useful, for my purposes (visualizing layout-based electrical simulation results over the layout, for prototyping).
Here is the situation - this command runs fine on Linux, and on Windows (command terminal).
When I try to run it on Cygwin, it does not give any warning or error messages, but does not generate the output GDS file (c.gds). I am using the same input - ruby script, same a.gds and b.gds files, command line options, etc.
Running klayout in "vebose" mode (using -d option) does not help - there is still no warning / error messages.
When I just start klayout from Cygwin terminal in a usual GUI mode, it runs fine.
The problem is only happening when trying to run klayout in a Ruby script interpreter mode.
I am using klayout version 0.22.8.
So, the question is - is klayout supposed to run fine under Cygwin in interpreter mode, or are there known problems?
Hi Max,
of course it's supposed to work :-)
My personal experiences with CygWin are somewhat limited - I tend to use the MinGW shell rather than CygWin. Are you using the CygWin build or are you using the native Windows binary in a CygWin shell? I am not sure whether the native Windows / cygwin combination works well.
I am using native 64bit Windows klayout.exe, with Cygwin shell.
As I said, the GUI version of klayout works just fine (I just type klayout alias/path to executable in Cygwin window), but the batch mode (when used as an interpreter for ruby) does not seem to work - at least for the script that I mentioned in my earlier post.
This is not a huge problem for me, because Linux version works fine, but I sometimes do some development/prototyping work on Windows/Cygwin, so it would be nice to have it here as well. I do not know how generic this problem is (Cygwin + ruby script interpreter mode of klayout), will let you know later on, when I have more information on this...
Hi Max,
maybe there is some problem with the ruby shared library? Does ruby work in the macro IDE's console when you start Klayout in UI mode from the cygwin shell?
Matthias -
Ruby works just fine from IDE's console when klayout is started in a GUI mode from Cygwin window...
Hi Max,
then it may be connected to stdout/stderr redirection through cygwin. I guess it will work fine if you call it from cmd.exe.
There are "real" cygwin builds available, i.e. from http://artfiles.org/cygwin.org/pub/cygwinports/x86_64/release/klayout/. Maybe you like to try these. I don't have personal experience with them, but I am sure they will fit better into the cygwin environment.
yes, as I said erlier, it (klayout used as a ruby interpreter, in batch mode) works fine in Windows cmd terminal.
I just tried this "real" cygwin build of klayout - it does not work. Is it supposed to run under cygwin X? I am using only cygwin text terminal, and not XWindow system under cygwin.