Cut Polygons

edited March 2015 in KLayout Support
Hello , I just started to make some simple drawing to learn how use KLayout , I would like to know how reshape the polygons (just strech them) , how cut them (remove some part of them) and re-use the cut part, additionally how made boolean operations between polygon and polygon.
Many thanks if someone can help!!!


  • edited March 2015

    There are great resources at

    But briefly:

    Draw: Choose Polygon tool. Click on a layer. Click around then double-click to finish.

    Note 1 -- Grids are helpful here. To set the snapping grid: File > Setup > Grids > Type a number like 1 for 1 micron grid. There are ways to switch between grids faster and do other things with grids too.

    Note 2 -- You can also edit points manually. Choose "Select" tool, click it or drag around the polygon (Shift-click or shift-drag to add to current selection, ctrl-click or ctrl-drag to subtract from selection) to select it. Press 'q' to get properties and edit it that way.

    Reshape: Choose partial tool. Click either an edge or a vertex (or drag to select several edges and/or vertices). If you want to add more, shift-click or shift-drag-a-box. Then click then move then click to reshape.

    Cut: Choose "Erase" from the dropdown arrow beside "Add" tool. Choose the same layer the polygon is on (this is important). Choose polygon, box, or wire. Now when you draw over the existing polygon you will cut in to it. Make sure you change it back to "Add" tool when you are done (it's easy to forget, and then you observe unexpected things).

    Boolean: Draw polygon on layer 1. Draw another partially overlapping polygon on layer 2. Choose Edit > Layer > Boolean operations and make your choices. But what if you just want to subtract just those two polygons without 'booleaning' other shapes on the same layer? The easiest way may be to make the desired polygons into a cell (Edit > Selection > Make Cell; or more practically, you would start drawing polygon #2 inside whatever cell polygon #1 is). Then, if the cell of interest is not already in bold text inin the tree on the left, right-click on the cell and choose "Show As New Top". Now the 'booleaning' operation will only act on what is in that cell (i.e. whatever is showing), so shapes inside other cells are safe.

    There are alternatives to the above but that's some to get you started.

    Let us know where you get stuck in the above procedures!

    And welcome to, hands-down, the best layout tool in the world!

  • edited November -1
    Hello davidnhutch, many thanks for the help , it is a very nice tool , very usefull and friendly !
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