I need help to write a script using script language

edited April 2015 in Ruby Scripting
I’m starting with using of ruby language, I need help for a script which should looking for all polygons which can be in different hierarchical levels in my gds layout database, as condition the polygon must be closest to a point that I know.
For example I know that in a cell A I have a point x=200,y=200
I have to find all polygons with layer map 20 and datatype 0 which are containing the point, the problem is that the polygon can be in different hierarchical level than the point with X and Y coordinates.
I don’t know if my explanation was very clear, anyway I ask if someone kindly can help me.


  • edited November -1

    Hi gabry123,

    A simple solution is the RecursiveShapeIterator object:

    cell = ... # the top cell where you are starting
    layer = ... # the layer index
    pt = ... # the point (in database units) at which you are looking 
    si = cell.begin_shapes_rec_overlapping(RBA::Box::new(pt, pt), layer)
    while !si.at_end?
      if si.shape.renders_polygon?
        poly = si.shape.polygon.transformed(si.trans)
        if poly.inside(pt)
          #  ... point is inside the polygon

    The RecursiveShapeIterator (here in "si") will deliver all shapes whose bounding box overlaps the given search box (here a single-point box). Having these objects we can perform a more detailed check using the inside test for the polygon transformed into the top cell's coordinate space.


  • edited November -1
    Hi Matthias,

    First of all thanks a lot for your help and support is really appreciated. I tried your code in a real case:

    cell = "DSA_core_FIN" # cell name of the top where I'm starting
    layer = 1 # index of the layer for which I have to find the polygon coordinates
    pt1 = 9742 # the point (in database units) at which you are looking
    pt2 = 191932
    si = cell.begin_shapes_rec_overlapping(RBA::Box::new(pt1, pt2), layer)
    while !si.at_end?
    if si.shape.renders_polygon?
    poly = si.shape.polygon.transformed(si.trans)
    if poly.inside(pt)
    puts poly
    # ... point is inside the polygon

    I got this error:
    ERROR: RuntimeError: Unexpected object type (expected argument of class Point, got Fixnum) in Box::new
    ../../script_gotten.rb:22:in `initialize'
    ../../script_gotten.rb:22:in `new'

    this is the command line that I used to run the script:
    klayout -rx -r script_gotten.rb -z -rd input=DSA_core_FIN.gds

    Maybe I made some mistake?
  • edited November -1
    Sorry I made a mistake above. Please look at this one:

    cell = "DSA_core_FIN" # cell name of the top where I'm starting
    layer = 1 # index of the layer for which I have to find the polygon coordinates
    pt = 9742;191932 # the point (in database units) at which I'm looking
    si = cell.begin_shapes_rec_overlapping(RBA::Box::new(pt, pt), layer)
    while !si.at_end?
    if si.shape.renders_polygon?
    poly = si.shape.polygon.transformed(si.trans)
    if poly.inside(pt)
    puts poly
    # ... point is inside the polygon

    I got this error:
    ERROR: RuntimeError: Unexpected object type (expected argument of class Point, got Fixnum) in Box::new
    ../../script_gotten.rb:22:in `initialize'
    ../../script_gotten.rb:22:in `new'

    this is the command line that I used to run the script:
    klayout -rx -r script_gotten.rb -z -rd input=DSA_core_FIN.gds

    Maybe I made some mistake?
  • edited November -1

    Hi gabry123,

    to initialize the point "pt" you'll have to use

    pt = RBA::Point::new(9742, 191932)


  • edited November -1
    OK I tried and it's working fine. Thanks a lot for your support and help!!!!

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