I like the bookmark and layer tab functionality - been using it recently quite a bit.
- I have a couple of different layer groups set up as different tabs. Very useful to switch between different layers on/off. Bookmark view does not seem to save the layer tab context. Is this possible?
- Our workflow is to load the GDS, load the bookmark file, Goto Bookmark, switch the layer tab. Is there anyway to load a bookmarks file with a GDS?
I think that request is feasible, but to be frank, I have neglected the bookmark feature somewhat, so there is not quite a lot support for it. Specifically there is no command line option for that feature right now. The reason is that there are actually at least two features which received more attention:
In addition, the scripting API allows tight control over the view properties, so many users use that API to script their custom view controllers. A simple example for such a controller is the screenshot gallery which is also a location browser http://klayout.de/rba_examples.html#example2.
Best regards,
Since save session keeps the state of bookmarks and marker browser, it is actually a better solution for my work flow --- we load Calibre DRC errors and review with KLAYOUT marker browser.