Specify the layer and datatype when load a gds to review

edited December 2015 in Ruby Scripting

When I load a gds file to reivew:

app = RBA::Application.instance

mw = app.main_window

gdsfile = "/home/test.gds"

view = mw.current_view
view.load_layout( "#{gdsfile}", true )

if will load ALL the layers into current view, so how to specify the layer:datatype when loading the gds file? For example, I only need to layer the 1:0 layer, or the last layer (does not konw the layer:datatype in advanced)

How to add option in load_layout to specify the layer:datatype? Thanks.


  • edited December 2015
    When I use the LayerMap, for example:

    lm.map("2/1: Target",0)

    when load_layout with this layermap, not only 2:1 but all the other layers will be loaded, is there any solution to load only the specified layer? thanks
  • edited November -1

    Hi Wing,

    can you paste the complete code, please?



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