Hi Matthias,
Is there a good way to find a cell in a huge frame and highlight it, so we could know the coordinate and real position in the frame?
I tried the "Select Cell" function in "Display" menu, however it could only help to "Change Current Cell" and shows it as new top.
Thanks for your kindly support.
Best Regards,
instead of marking the cell, you could hide it, just double-click it
in the tree at the left;
the content of the cell will no longer be displayed, it will be replaced by a frame
and the cellname. If the contrast is ok (or if you hide all layers),
it should be easy now to find your cell.
It's a good solution for a human hierarchical designed database, however
it didn't fit our case. Due to there are many other cells overlap
each other, we still can't find the location of the cell when we hide it.
I tried to hide all the cells in the cell list at the left and show the cell
we want to find only, but it's really difficult because more than thousands
cells in the tree, only "Show All" function could be used, no "Hide All"
BTW, really thanks for your suggestion and kindly help~
Best Regards,
Hi chhung,
There is the cell instance browser which you could use.
Goto "Tools"->"Browse Instances". In the dialog that appears press "Choose Cell". In the cell selection dialog choose the cell whose instances you want to find. After selecting "Ok", the instance browser will present a list of all appearances of this cell: the parent cell in the left list and the particular instances in the right.
You can configure the way the cell is highlighted with the "Configure" button.
I hope this is helpful.
Best regards,
P.S. I was offline for a week
I just tried this function you described, and it really fits our request,
now we can find out the cell that we are looking for easily, very thanks
for your kindly help~ Amazing functions always hide in toolbox...
Another small issue, could we change the highlight line color from white
to other colors or let it blink? I tested some options in setup window
but didn't work.
Best Regards,
Hi Chhung,
Right now, the browser uses the selection style for highlighting. You can edit the selection style on the "Application/Selection" page in the setup dialog. There you can specify a particular color, line width and other settings.
Animated styles are currently not supported by the browser. I personally prefer a setting with a line width of 2 or larger and a contrasting color which makes the selection clearly visible.
Best regards,
It's good enough for us that be able to change the line width and fill style,
really thanks for your kindly help, thank you~
Best Regards,