Merge gds files into one parent cell

edited September 2016 in Ruby Scripting

I am very new to klayout. I want to merge 10's of gds files into one gds file, each separated in y-axis by 50um. My dbu is 0.001

I followed the previous discussions on this topic.
For example

The above script, merges GDS files, but they are not kept in one parent cell.


Has similar functionality and easy to understand, also solves the problem of parent cell, but I was not able to separate individual cells in y axis. Currently I am using this script and manually editing the y-coordinates of each cell.

Please let me know, how can I modify either of the above codes.

Many thanks in advance.


  • edited September 2016


    simple. This thing in discussion 814:


    defines the target coordinate of the cell (x, y). So just provide a counter and use a coordinate like "pya.Point(0, counter*50000)". Please note that the coordinates are "database units".

    Please take the comment about cell name conflicts in discussion 814 seriously - if your layouts share the same cell names, these cells get joined!


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