0.29.0 version can not be launched

edited April 1 in KLayout Support

Hello sirs,

Not sure any hardware or software restriction to launch 0.29.0 version ?

version 0.28.13 works fine in my laptop, but latest one give no response, they are all (64bit binaries)



  • Hi Vincent,

    No, there are no specific restrictions.

    0.29.0 uses a different Qt version and there might be interactions with other versions.

    I assume you run Windows. I have tested the installation on different Windows 10 machines without trouble.

    There may also be interactions with installed scripts or binary extensions, although I take care that things are backward compatible.

    You can try the following things:

    - uninstall before installing 0.29.0
    - remove or rename the KLayout configuration folder in C:/users/your account/KLayout to disable existing packages and configurations
    - check if you maybe have a parallel installation by searching for klayout_app.exe system wide. This may happen if you have installed one version as admin and the other as user.

    Let me know your findings.

  • edited April 2

    Hi Matthias,

    Thanks for the new major release 0.29.0 :smiley:
    Release work is always hard :-(

    On Windows 10, I usually install the *.zip package, and I am facing the same problem.
    Before unpacking the ZIP, I completely delete previous binaries.

    I noticed the pymod/ directory is missing where klayout_app.exe exists.
    This means the klayout package is not included in the binary package (at least in the ZIP package).

    I believe this is the root cause of the problem.
    As we discussed previously offline, a MacOS binary (>= 0.29.0) would also not launch without pymod/ adequately deployed.

    On the other hand, I could successfully build, deploy, and launch 0.29.0 from the source in my MinGW64 environment.
    My home-made ZIP includes the pymod/ directory.

    I deeply copied the pymod/ directory into the ZIP-unpacked directory.
    Then the program started normally.

    The klayout-0.29.0-win64-install.exe installer is OK.


    The build work for MacOS is going as usual.

  • Hello Kazz - San & Matthias

    Thanks for sharing, I followed the hints from Matthias to solve this, but I was not lucky.

    I have deleted all versions of binaries, and downloaded install-type for today's homework

    it's great to know that install-type is ok to run in advance. But one thing strange, I find no

    < pymod > folder in my so far 0.28 version and it works properly.

    I still like zip type more than install one :smile: I will update if something worth

    Thanks for all help

  • Hi Vincent,

    But one thing strange, I find no < pymod > folder in my so far 0.28 version and it works properly.

    The need for the < pymod > folder is one of the major changes in version 0.29.x.
    That's why.


  • Hello @sekigawa,

    You are right. Thanks for the debugging and the hint about the .zip file. I was only thinking of the installer exe.

    The strange thing is that also cert.pem is missing and both pymod and cert.pem are included in the build scripts. It looks like a problem of the script I use for code signing.

    I will debug that and regenerate the .zip files.

    If you need the .zip file quickly, you can take the one from http://www.klayout.org/downloads/master. These are unsigned however, but have pymod and cert.pem.

    Thanks again and best regards,

  • Hi Vincent,

    The changelog says:

    Even though I think Matthias will soon update the binaries, I attached a ZIP file containing the pymod I built for Windows 64 (MinGW64).


  • Hi Vincent,

    The timing of my post conflicted with Matthias'.
    Follow his instructions.


  • Hello gentlemans

    Sure, thanks for pymod material, and look forward to new zip.


  • edited April 2

    @sekigawa and @Vincent Lin,

    many thanks for your patience and many thanks for getting me to the point. I've added testing the .zip files to my release test procedure checklist.

    I have updated the .zip files. No new release is needed - it was the repackaging after code signing that went wrong. I still used the scripts for 0.28 which die not have pymod. I also did not include cert.pem which explains some other issue on GitHub. I can now download the .zip, unpack and run KLayout directly from the folder.

    I really appreciate this community effort!

    Thanks a lot!


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