Fail to open LO with error: XY record expected

I got an error massage as following: "XY record expected (position=xxx, record number=nnn, cell=ccc)" while I was trying to open a layout from a gds file. I guess I have problem with cell 'ccc'; but how could I solve the problem while I cannot open the gds file!
What should I do?


  • How was the GDS file created?

  • O_o Could you be more specific? I was editing a GDS file which I always have worked on. I used the simple box draw, and etc. until last week than BAMM! I get the error.

  • Hi OSMAN,

    have you been working with KLayout all the time on this GDS file? I don't know of ways producing this error with KLayout under normal conditions.

    But if your disk is full and the file gets truncated, you may see such errors. You can check if the position given in the message is identical to the file length in Bytes.

    Sometimes I see this error with third-party tools if they don't care about the polygon vertex count limitations and produce XY records with more than ~8000 points.

    Is there a chance I can see the layout? You can send it encrypted with my GPG key ( I may be able to fix the issue.

    BTW: which is the version and the platform you're on?


  • Hi Matthias,

    Current KL version I work with is 0.25.3 and I’m working on Windows 10. I’m not a good user of Linux.
    The message is: position = 89129002, record number = 1912374, cell = ICV_60. The file size is 86MB (90.900.398 bayt).

    I take the GDS file from Cadence; and worked on it for a couple of times. After my last edit the problem started to appear. I could not share the file because of End User terms; but I have the initial version of it. I’m continuing to work with my other saves. From the initial file I can check some properties if you ask.

    I do not know if I can do it; but I would like to try to fix the problem with your directions.

    Thank you,

  • Do you have a chance to extract a part of the file, for example from Byte 89120000 to 89130000? This will break the file and render it useless, so I don't think any end user agreement applies to such a crippled file. But from this snippet I can may be able to debug the problem.

    It's easy to do with Linux. I don't know whether there is a solution for Windows.

    Without at least a partial test case I really can't do anything.


  • Do you have a chance to extract a part of the file, for example from Byte 89120000 to 89130000? This will break the file and render it useless, so I don't think any end user agreement applies to such a crippled file. But from this snippet I can may be able to debug the problem.

    It's easy to do with Linux. I don't know whether there is a solution for Windows.

    Without at least a partial test case I really can't do anything.


  • edited July 2018


  • I really do not know how to extract a part of a file. I appreciate your help; but I cannot shar the file :smile:

  • Hi OSMAN,

    On Linux that is

    dd if=your_invalid_file.gds of=output_file ibs=1000 skip=89120 count=1

    "output_file" will then contain the 1000 Bytes from 891201000 to (89120+1)1000.

    On Windows - no idea. Maybe you do something like this with PowerShell.



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