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Pulling latest installs for Win & Linux I noticed that there are
several different Linux distros on the list (but far from all).
Me, I started (this time around) with Ubuntu but I have been
setting up newer machines with Debian, then Mint, and now
looking to move over to another Debian variant that has a
more "classic / lightweight" (like boot to console, and fvwm
when you ask for it, UX) by the name of Devuan.
Wondering why any proliferation of Linux builds at all, and
if "reasons", how to know or at least guess smart about
which one. I would guess Ubuntu for the Debian derived,
CentOS for anyone still throwing money at Red Hat or using
the "enterprise" features (whatever those are - I left Rad Hat
the first time a "sure, go ahead" mass update bricked the
system). What Suse is there for, or what others it might cover,
Others might find a little README about that, useful once.
Hi @dick_freebird,
you mean Ubuntu .deb package can be used on Debian for example? I'm not sure, honestly I have never tried. I'd not be entirely surprised as dependencies become increasingly generic. But I'd not bet at it.
People already discussed generic packages such as FlatPak, but frankly I did not have the energy yet to look into how to build them. I guess eventually deployment will boil down to something like that and there will be no distro specific packages anymore.
Right, the "package managers" seem to want -their-
style (though I don't rightly know whether (say) Red Hat
"rpm" would do the right thing if you pointed it at a Debian
.deb - I just try to pull the ones they say is "their format").
The automatically built Ubuntu .deb is not compatible with debian (stable), as usually their releases are too far apart and they use some different package names (it can happen that they are if their releases of the LTS versions are only a couple of months apart, but that's the exception not rule). It's not hard to build for debian though.
Here's my addition for debian12 (bookworm) (
, line 33):Additionally change the command in the same file to use all available cores to compile (line 65):
This has served me well to build quite quickly (with ccache installed). Just checkout the latest tag (as of writing)
git checkout v0.28.10
and then run./script/ debian12
. After build you can install the newly built deb withsudo apt install ./klayout_0.28.10-1_amd64.deb
@sebastian Thanks a lot for this update! I personally rarely use all cores for building as I have other interesting things to do in parallel
But I wonder if Qt6 is mainstream on Debian now?
It's not very difficult to set up Debian as an additional standard target. In the end I try to avoid inflation of builds. But I would sacrifice older Ubuntu's in favor of Debian. What's your suggestion?
If I had a good "Make" setup I would do
the compile but I depend on spoon feeding
for that, I do not comprehend all the low
level setup stuff I see.
My interests include long term archival of
design tools alongside chip designs and
I am suspicious that .deb packages will
"break" for stale dependencies, earlier
than a compile-from-pile (having all the
dependencies also archived) would as
distros "age out".