You can use the following from this thread it has a Python/Ruby scripts.
This does merge , but you can modify the script to find coincident shapes if needed…
Might be of some help…
I have done this above as a debug.
There is some Ruby code in the fourms that does a similar thing .
it's not an issue just something I notice…
There is always a way , some how, just have to think it through .
Your concept is there .
As Matthias has pointed out and it's true Klayout DRC is not Caliber
Unfortunately there is not as I am aware an append option to the lay…
Quick and Dirty use at your own risk
from pya import *import numpy as npimport csv# Enter your Python code heremw = pya.Application.instance().main_window()layout = pya.Application.instance().main_window().current_view().active_cellvi…
Hmm you could do something like this, place this is your pymacros or macros directory
save as a .lym file the description below when placed in the above dir's should autoload each time
you fire up Klayout, load in the IDE and run , test your keybin…
Trying to help the user base by making thing's a bit simpler, these could be added as base functions to be loaded perhaps?
Still working on the router. It's getting there but little gremlins here and there and no I did not give them wate…
Very good I have made a function out of this along with the radius
def create_circle(lay,cenx,ceny,r): circle = [] for i in range(0, n): path = cenx + r * math.cos(i * da),ceny + r * math.sin(i * da) circle.append(path) pth = …
I modified your code this should work
# Enter your Python code heremw = pya.Application.instance().main_window()layout = pya.Application.instance().main_window().current_view().active_cellview().layout() topcell = pya.Application.insta…
Try this
Uncomment the Boxes to draw the boxes
Comment the Boolean function
Run the Code
the comment the Boxes and uncomment the boolean function then run the code
import pyaimport arrayimport sysimport mathimport timemw = pya.Application.instance…
@ahmedo @sebastian
New thread
thanks for pointing this out ... floodgates open and the sea's part,
and yes this makes it easier :) ;)
not_outside = r2.select_not_outside(r1)
This will find all boxes outside of a layer/circle
Run the script and you will see a circle with boxes inside,
click undo and you can see what has been removed
# Enter your Python code hereimport pyaimport arrayimport sysimport mathimport…
Revisiting this thread as suggest I made changes this does not work like the Box
I'm not sure if I understand the problem.
self.marker.set( should also work if you set a DPath object instead of a DBox.
Doesn't it?
I am missing …
Update of code now includes Keepout and routing channels
test gds is TestRouteBlackBox.gds
Update github is here