API reference - Class QEvent_Type

Notation used in Ruby API documentation

Module: QtCore

Description: This class represents the QEvent::Type enum

This class is equivalent to the class QEvent::Type

Public constructors

new QEvent_Type ptrnew(int i)Creates an enum from an integer value
new QEvent_Type ptrnew(string s)Creates an enum from a string value

Public methods

[const]bool!=(const QEvent_Type other)Compares two enums for inequality
[const]bool!=(int other)Compares an enum with an integer for inequality
[const]bool<(const QEvent_Type other)Returns true if the first enum is less (in the enum symbol order) than the second
[const]bool<(int other)Returns true if the enum is less (in the enum symbol order) than the integer value
[const]bool==(const QEvent_Type other)Compares two enums
[const]bool==(int other)Compares an enum with an integer value
[const]QEvent_Type ptr_const_castReturns a non-const reference to self.
void_createEnsures the C++ object is created
void_destroyExplicitly destroys the object
[const]bool_destroyed?Returns a value indicating whether the object was already destroyed
[const]bool_is_const_object?Returns a value indicating whether the reference is a const reference
void_manageMarks the object as managed by the script side.
void_unmanageMarks the object as no longer owned by the script side.
voidassign(const QEvent_Type other)Assigns another object to self
[const]new QEvent_Type ptrdupCreates a copy of self
[const]inthashGets the hash value from the enum
[const]stringinspectConverts an enum to a visual string
[const]intto_iGets the integer value from the enum
[const]stringto_sGets the symbolic string from an enum
[const]QEvent_QFlags_Type|(const QEvent_Type other)Creates a flag set by combining the two flags
[const]QEvent_QFlags_Type|(const QEvent_QFlags_Type other)Combines the flag and the flag set

Public static methods and constants

[static,const]QEvent_TypeAcceptDropsChangeEnum constant QEvent::AcceptDropsChange
[static,const]QEvent_TypeActionAddedEnum constant QEvent::ActionAdded
[static,const]QEvent_TypeActionChangedEnum constant QEvent::ActionChanged
[static,const]QEvent_TypeActionRemovedEnum constant QEvent::ActionRemoved
[static,const]QEvent_TypeActivateControlEnum constant QEvent::ActivateControl
[static,const]QEvent_TypeActivationChangeEnum constant QEvent::ActivationChange
[static,const]QEvent_TypeApplicationActivateEnum constant QEvent::ApplicationActivate
[static,const]QEvent_TypeApplicationActivatedEnum constant QEvent::ApplicationActivated
[static,const]QEvent_TypeApplicationDeactivateEnum constant QEvent::ApplicationDeactivate
[static,const]QEvent_TypeApplicationDeactivatedEnum constant QEvent::ApplicationDeactivated
[static,const]QEvent_TypeApplicationFontChangeEnum constant QEvent::ApplicationFontChange
[static,const]QEvent_TypeApplicationLayoutDirectionChangeEnum constant QEvent::ApplicationLayoutDirectionChange
[static,const]QEvent_TypeApplicationPaletteChangeEnum constant QEvent::ApplicationPaletteChange
[static,const]QEvent_TypeApplicationStateChangeEnum constant QEvent::ApplicationStateChange
[static,const]QEvent_TypeApplicationWindowIconChangeEnum constant QEvent::ApplicationWindowIconChange
[static,const]QEvent_TypeChildAddedEnum constant QEvent::ChildAdded
[static,const]QEvent_TypeChildPolishedEnum constant QEvent::ChildPolished
[static,const]QEvent_TypeChildRemovedEnum constant QEvent::ChildRemoved
[static,const]QEvent_TypeClipboardEnum constant QEvent::Clipboard
[static,const]QEvent_TypeCloseEnum constant QEvent::Close
[static,const]QEvent_TypeCloseSoftwareInputPanelEnum constant QEvent::CloseSoftwareInputPanel
[static,const]QEvent_TypeContentsRectChangeEnum constant QEvent::ContentsRectChange
[static,const]QEvent_TypeContextMenuEnum constant QEvent::ContextMenu
[static,const]QEvent_TypeCreateEnum constant QEvent::Create
[static,const]QEvent_TypeCursorChangeEnum constant QEvent::CursorChange
[static,const]QEvent_TypeDeactivateControlEnum constant QEvent::DeactivateControl
[static,const]QEvent_TypeDeferredDeleteEnum constant QEvent::DeferredDelete
[static,const]QEvent_TypeDestroyEnum constant QEvent::Destroy
[static,const]QEvent_TypeDragEnterEnum constant QEvent::DragEnter
[static,const]QEvent_TypeDragLeaveEnum constant QEvent::DragLeave
[static,const]QEvent_TypeDragMoveEnum constant QEvent::DragMove
[static,const]QEvent_TypeDragResponseEnum constant QEvent::DragResponse
[static,const]QEvent_TypeDropEnum constant QEvent::Drop
[static,const]QEvent_TypeDynamicPropertyChangeEnum constant QEvent::DynamicPropertyChange
[static,const]QEvent_TypeEmbeddingControlEnum constant QEvent::EmbeddingControl
[static,const]QEvent_TypeEnabledChangeEnum constant QEvent::EnabledChange
[static,const]QEvent_TypeEnterEnum constant QEvent::Enter
[static,const]QEvent_TypeEnterWhatsThisModeEnum constant QEvent::EnterWhatsThisMode
[static,const]QEvent_TypeExposeEnum constant QEvent::Expose
[static,const]QEvent_TypeFileOpenEnum constant QEvent::FileOpen
[static,const]QEvent_TypeFocusAboutToChangeEnum constant QEvent::FocusAboutToChange
[static,const]QEvent_TypeFocusInEnum constant QEvent::FocusIn
[static,const]QEvent_TypeFocusOutEnum constant QEvent::FocusOut
[static,const]QEvent_TypeFontChangeEnum constant QEvent::FontChange
[static,const]QEvent_TypeFutureCallOutEnum constant QEvent::FutureCallOut
[static,const]QEvent_TypeGestureEnum constant QEvent::Gesture
[static,const]QEvent_TypeGestureOverrideEnum constant QEvent::GestureOverride
[static,const]QEvent_TypeGrabKeyboardEnum constant QEvent::GrabKeyboard
[static,const]QEvent_TypeGrabMouseEnum constant QEvent::GrabMouse
[static,const]QEvent_TypeGraphicsSceneContextMenuEnum constant QEvent::GraphicsSceneContextMenu
[static,const]QEvent_TypeGraphicsSceneDragEnterEnum constant QEvent::GraphicsSceneDragEnter
[static,const]QEvent_TypeGraphicsSceneDragLeaveEnum constant QEvent::GraphicsSceneDragLeave
[static,const]QEvent_TypeGraphicsSceneDragMoveEnum constant QEvent::GraphicsSceneDragMove
[static,const]QEvent_TypeGraphicsSceneDropEnum constant QEvent::GraphicsSceneDrop
[static,const]QEvent_TypeGraphicsSceneHelpEnum constant QEvent::GraphicsSceneHelp
[static,const]QEvent_TypeGraphicsSceneHoverEnterEnum constant QEvent::GraphicsSceneHoverEnter
[static,const]QEvent_TypeGraphicsSceneHoverLeaveEnum constant QEvent::GraphicsSceneHoverLeave
[static,const]QEvent_TypeGraphicsSceneHoverMoveEnum constant QEvent::GraphicsSceneHoverMove
[static,const]QEvent_TypeGraphicsSceneMouseDoubleClickEnum constant QEvent::GraphicsSceneMouseDoubleClick
[static,const]QEvent_TypeGraphicsSceneMouseMoveEnum constant QEvent::GraphicsSceneMouseMove
[static,const]QEvent_TypeGraphicsSceneMousePressEnum constant QEvent::GraphicsSceneMousePress
[static,const]QEvent_TypeGraphicsSceneMouseReleaseEnum constant QEvent::GraphicsSceneMouseRelease
[static,const]QEvent_TypeGraphicsSceneMoveEnum constant QEvent::GraphicsSceneMove
[static,const]QEvent_TypeGraphicsSceneResizeEnum constant QEvent::GraphicsSceneResize
[static,const]QEvent_TypeGraphicsSceneWheelEnum constant QEvent::GraphicsSceneWheel
[static,const]QEvent_TypeHelpRequestEnum constant QEvent::HelpRequest
[static,const]QEvent_TypeHideEnum constant QEvent::Hide
[static,const]QEvent_TypeHideToParentEnum constant QEvent::HideToParent
[static,const]QEvent_TypeHoverEnterEnum constant QEvent::HoverEnter
[static,const]QEvent_TypeHoverLeaveEnum constant QEvent::HoverLeave
[static,const]QEvent_TypeHoverMoveEnum constant QEvent::HoverMove
[static,const]QEvent_TypeIconDragEnum constant QEvent::IconDrag
[static,const]QEvent_TypeIconTextChangeEnum constant QEvent::IconTextChange
[static,const]QEvent_TypeInputMethodEnum constant QEvent::InputMethod
[static,const]QEvent_TypeInputMethodQueryEnum constant QEvent::InputMethodQuery
[static,const]QEvent_TypeKeyPressEnum constant QEvent::KeyPress
[static,const]QEvent_TypeKeyReleaseEnum constant QEvent::KeyRelease
[static,const]QEvent_TypeKeyboardLayoutChangeEnum constant QEvent::KeyboardLayoutChange
[static,const]QEvent_TypeLanguageChangeEnum constant QEvent::LanguageChange
[static,const]QEvent_TypeLayoutDirectionChangeEnum constant QEvent::LayoutDirectionChange
[static,const]QEvent_TypeLayoutRequestEnum constant QEvent::LayoutRequest
[static,const]QEvent_TypeLeaveEnum constant QEvent::Leave
[static,const]QEvent_TypeLeaveWhatsThisModeEnum constant QEvent::LeaveWhatsThisMode
[static,const]QEvent_TypeLocaleChangeEnum constant QEvent::LocaleChange
[static,const]QEvent_TypeMacGLClearDrawableEnum constant QEvent::MacGLClearDrawable
[static,const]QEvent_TypeMacGLWindowChangeEnum constant QEvent::MacGLWindowChange
[static,const]QEvent_TypeMacSizeChangeEnum constant QEvent::MacSizeChange
[static,const]QEvent_TypeMaxUserEnum constant QEvent::MaxUser
[static,const]QEvent_TypeMetaCallEnum constant QEvent::MetaCall
[static,const]QEvent_TypeModifiedChangeEnum constant QEvent::ModifiedChange
[static,const]QEvent_TypeMouseButtonDblClickEnum constant QEvent::MouseButtonDblClick
[static,const]QEvent_TypeMouseButtonPressEnum constant QEvent::MouseButtonPress
[static,const]QEvent_TypeMouseButtonReleaseEnum constant QEvent::MouseButtonRelease
[static,const]QEvent_TypeMouseMoveEnum constant QEvent::MouseMove
[static,const]QEvent_TypeMouseTrackingChangeEnum constant QEvent::MouseTrackingChange
[static,const]QEvent_TypeMoveEnum constant QEvent::Move
[static,const]QEvent_TypeNativeGestureEnum constant QEvent::NativeGesture
[static,const]QEvent_TypeNetworkReplyUpdatedEnum constant QEvent::NetworkReplyUpdated
[static,const]QEvent_TypeNonClientAreaMouseButtonDblClickEnum constant QEvent::NonClientAreaMouseButtonDblClick
[static,const]QEvent_TypeNonClientAreaMouseButtonPressEnum constant QEvent::NonClientAreaMouseButtonPress
[static,const]QEvent_TypeNonClientAreaMouseButtonReleaseEnum constant QEvent::NonClientAreaMouseButtonRelease
[static,const]QEvent_TypeNonClientAreaMouseMoveEnum constant QEvent::NonClientAreaMouseMove
[static,const]QEvent_TypeNoneEnum constant QEvent::None
[static,const]QEvent_TypeOkRequestEnum constant QEvent::OkRequest
[static,const]QEvent_TypeOrientationChangeEnum constant QEvent::OrientationChange
[static,const]QEvent_TypePaintEnum constant QEvent::Paint
[static,const]QEvent_TypePaletteChangeEnum constant QEvent::PaletteChange
[static,const]QEvent_TypeParentAboutToChangeEnum constant QEvent::ParentAboutToChange
[static,const]QEvent_TypeParentChangeEnum constant QEvent::ParentChange
[static,const]QEvent_TypePlatformPanelEnum constant QEvent::PlatformPanel
[static,const]QEvent_TypePlatformSurfaceEnum constant QEvent::PlatformSurface
[static,const]QEvent_TypePointerEnum constant QEvent::Pointer
[static,const]QEvent_TypePolishEnum constant QEvent::Polish
[static,const]QEvent_TypePolishRequestEnum constant QEvent::PolishRequest
[static,const]QEvent_TypeQueryWhatsThisEnum constant QEvent::QueryWhatsThis
[static,const]QEvent_TypeQuitEnum constant QEvent::Quit
[static,const]QEvent_TypeReadOnlyChangeEnum constant QEvent::ReadOnlyChange
[static,const]QEvent_TypeRequestSoftwareInputPanelEnum constant QEvent::RequestSoftwareInputPanel
[static,const]QEvent_TypeResizeEnum constant QEvent::Resize
[static,const]QEvent_TypeScreenChangeInternalEnum constant QEvent::ScreenChangeInternal
[static,const]QEvent_TypeScrollEnum constant QEvent::Scroll
[static,const]QEvent_TypeScrollPrepareEnum constant QEvent::ScrollPrepare
[static,const]QEvent_TypeShortcutEnum constant QEvent::Shortcut
[static,const]QEvent_TypeShortcutOverrideEnum constant QEvent::ShortcutOverride
[static,const]QEvent_TypeShowEnum constant QEvent::Show
[static,const]QEvent_TypeShowToParentEnum constant QEvent::ShowToParent
[static,const]QEvent_TypeShowWindowRequestEnum constant QEvent::ShowWindowRequest
[static,const]QEvent_TypeSockActEnum constant QEvent::SockAct
[static,const]QEvent_TypeSockCloseEnum constant QEvent::SockClose
[static,const]QEvent_TypeSpeechEnum constant QEvent::Speech
[static,const]QEvent_TypeStateMachineSignalEnum constant QEvent::StateMachineSignal
[static,const]QEvent_TypeStateMachineWrappedEnum constant QEvent::StateMachineWrapped
[static,const]QEvent_TypeStatusTipEnum constant QEvent::StatusTip
[static,const]QEvent_TypeStyleEnum constant QEvent::Style
[static,const]QEvent_TypeStyleAnimationUpdateEnum constant QEvent::StyleAnimationUpdate
[static,const]QEvent_TypeStyleChangeEnum constant QEvent::StyleChange
[static,const]QEvent_TypeTabletEnterProximityEnum constant QEvent::TabletEnterProximity
[static,const]QEvent_TypeTabletLeaveProximityEnum constant QEvent::TabletLeaveProximity
[static,const]QEvent_TypeTabletMoveEnum constant QEvent::TabletMove
[static,const]QEvent_TypeTabletPressEnum constant QEvent::TabletPress
[static,const]QEvent_TypeTabletReleaseEnum constant QEvent::TabletRelease
[static,const]QEvent_TypeTabletTrackingChangeEnum constant QEvent::TabletTrackingChange
[static,const]QEvent_TypeThemeChangeEnum constant QEvent::ThemeChange
[static,const]QEvent_TypeThreadChangeEnum constant QEvent::ThreadChange
[static,const]QEvent_TypeTimerEnum constant QEvent::Timer
[static,const]QEvent_TypeToolBarChangeEnum constant QEvent::ToolBarChange
[static,const]QEvent_TypeToolTipEnum constant QEvent::ToolTip
[static,const]QEvent_TypeToolTipChangeEnum constant QEvent::ToolTipChange
[static,const]QEvent_TypeTouchBeginEnum constant QEvent::TouchBegin
[static,const]QEvent_TypeTouchCancelEnum constant QEvent::TouchCancel
[static,const]QEvent_TypeTouchEndEnum constant QEvent::TouchEnd
[static,const]QEvent_TypeTouchUpdateEnum constant QEvent::TouchUpdate
[static,const]QEvent_TypeUngrabKeyboardEnum constant QEvent::UngrabKeyboard
[static,const]QEvent_TypeUngrabMouseEnum constant QEvent::UngrabMouse
[static,const]QEvent_TypeUpdateLaterEnum constant QEvent::UpdateLater
[static,const]QEvent_TypeUpdateRequestEnum constant QEvent::UpdateRequest
[static,const]QEvent_TypeUserEnum constant QEvent::User
[static,const]QEvent_TypeWhatsThisEnum constant QEvent::WhatsThis
[static,const]QEvent_TypeWhatsThisClickedEnum constant QEvent::WhatsThisClicked
[static,const]QEvent_TypeWheelEnum constant QEvent::Wheel
[static,const]QEvent_TypeWinEventActEnum constant QEvent::WinEventAct
[static,const]QEvent_TypeWinIdChangeEnum constant QEvent::WinIdChange
[static,const]QEvent_TypeWindowActivateEnum constant QEvent::WindowActivate
[static,const]QEvent_TypeWindowBlockedEnum constant QEvent::WindowBlocked
[static,const]QEvent_TypeWindowChangeInternalEnum constant QEvent::WindowChangeInternal
[static,const]QEvent_TypeWindowDeactivateEnum constant QEvent::WindowDeactivate
[static,const]QEvent_TypeWindowIconChangeEnum constant QEvent::WindowIconChange
[static,const]QEvent_TypeWindowStateChangeEnum constant QEvent::WindowStateChange
[static,const]QEvent_TypeWindowTitleChangeEnum constant QEvent::WindowTitleChange
[static,const]QEvent_TypeWindowUnblockedEnum constant QEvent::WindowUnblocked
[static,const]QEvent_TypeZOrderChangeEnum constant QEvent::ZOrderChange
[static,const]QEvent_TypeZeroTimerEventEnum constant QEvent::ZeroTimerEvent

Deprecated methods (protected, public, static, non-static and constructors)

voidcreateUse of this method is deprecated. Use _create instead
voiddestroyUse of this method is deprecated. Use _destroy instead
[const]booldestroyed?Use of this method is deprecated. Use _destroyed? instead
[const]boolis_const_object?Use of this method is deprecated. Use _is_const_object? instead

Detailed description


(1) Signature: [const] bool != (const QEvent_Type other)

Description: Compares two enums for inequality

(2) Signature: [const] bool != (int other)

Description: Compares an enum with an integer for inequality


(1) Signature: [const] bool < (const QEvent_Type other)

Description: Returns true if the first enum is less (in the enum symbol order) than the second

(2) Signature: [const] bool < (int other)

Description: Returns true if the enum is less (in the enum symbol order) than the integer value


(1) Signature: [const] bool == (const QEvent_Type other)

Description: Compares two enums

(2) Signature: [const] bool == (int other)

Description: Compares an enum with an integer value


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type AcceptDropsChange

Description: Enum constant QEvent::AcceptDropsChange

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'AcceptDropsChange'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type ActionAdded

Description: Enum constant QEvent::ActionAdded

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'ActionAdded'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type ActionChanged

Description: Enum constant QEvent::ActionChanged

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'ActionChanged'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type ActionRemoved

Description: Enum constant QEvent::ActionRemoved

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'ActionRemoved'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type ActivateControl

Description: Enum constant QEvent::ActivateControl

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'ActivateControl'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type ActivationChange

Description: Enum constant QEvent::ActivationChange

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'ActivationChange'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type ApplicationActivate

Description: Enum constant QEvent::ApplicationActivate

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'ApplicationActivate'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type ApplicationActivated

Description: Enum constant QEvent::ApplicationActivated

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'ApplicationActivated'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type ApplicationDeactivate

Description: Enum constant QEvent::ApplicationDeactivate

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'ApplicationDeactivate'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type ApplicationDeactivated

Description: Enum constant QEvent::ApplicationDeactivated

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'ApplicationDeactivated'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type ApplicationFontChange

Description: Enum constant QEvent::ApplicationFontChange

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'ApplicationFontChange'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type ApplicationLayoutDirectionChange

Description: Enum constant QEvent::ApplicationLayoutDirectionChange

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'ApplicationLayoutDirectionChange'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type ApplicationPaletteChange

Description: Enum constant QEvent::ApplicationPaletteChange

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'ApplicationPaletteChange'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type ApplicationStateChange

Description: Enum constant QEvent::ApplicationStateChange

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'ApplicationStateChange'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type ApplicationWindowIconChange

Description: Enum constant QEvent::ApplicationWindowIconChange

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'ApplicationWindowIconChange'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type ChildAdded

Description: Enum constant QEvent::ChildAdded

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'ChildAdded'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type ChildPolished

Description: Enum constant QEvent::ChildPolished

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'ChildPolished'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type ChildRemoved

Description: Enum constant QEvent::ChildRemoved

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'ChildRemoved'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type Clipboard

Description: Enum constant QEvent::Clipboard

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'Clipboard'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type Close

Description: Enum constant QEvent::Close

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'Close'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type CloseSoftwareInputPanel

Description: Enum constant QEvent::CloseSoftwareInputPanel

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'CloseSoftwareInputPanel'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type ContentsRectChange

Description: Enum constant QEvent::ContentsRectChange

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'ContentsRectChange'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type ContextMenu

Description: Enum constant QEvent::ContextMenu

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'ContextMenu'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type Create

Description: Enum constant QEvent::Create

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'Create'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type CursorChange

Description: Enum constant QEvent::CursorChange

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'CursorChange'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type DeactivateControl

Description: Enum constant QEvent::DeactivateControl

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'DeactivateControl'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type DeferredDelete

Description: Enum constant QEvent::DeferredDelete

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'DeferredDelete'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type Destroy

Description: Enum constant QEvent::Destroy

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'Destroy'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type DragEnter

Description: Enum constant QEvent::DragEnter

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'DragEnter'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type DragLeave

Description: Enum constant QEvent::DragLeave

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'DragLeave'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type DragMove

Description: Enum constant QEvent::DragMove

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'DragMove'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type DragResponse

Description: Enum constant QEvent::DragResponse

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'DragResponse'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type Drop

Description: Enum constant QEvent::Drop

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'Drop'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type DynamicPropertyChange

Description: Enum constant QEvent::DynamicPropertyChange

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'DynamicPropertyChange'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type EmbeddingControl

Description: Enum constant QEvent::EmbeddingControl

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'EmbeddingControl'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type EnabledChange

Description: Enum constant QEvent::EnabledChange

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'EnabledChange'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type Enter

Description: Enum constant QEvent::Enter

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'Enter'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type EnterWhatsThisMode

Description: Enum constant QEvent::EnterWhatsThisMode

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'EnterWhatsThisMode'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type Expose

Description: Enum constant QEvent::Expose

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'Expose'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type FileOpen

Description: Enum constant QEvent::FileOpen

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'FileOpen'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type FocusAboutToChange

Description: Enum constant QEvent::FocusAboutToChange

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'FocusAboutToChange'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type FocusIn

Description: Enum constant QEvent::FocusIn

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'FocusIn'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type FocusOut

Description: Enum constant QEvent::FocusOut

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'FocusOut'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type FontChange

Description: Enum constant QEvent::FontChange

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'FontChange'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type FutureCallOut

Description: Enum constant QEvent::FutureCallOut

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'FutureCallOut'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type Gesture

Description: Enum constant QEvent::Gesture

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'Gesture'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type GestureOverride

Description: Enum constant QEvent::GestureOverride

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'GestureOverride'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type GrabKeyboard

Description: Enum constant QEvent::GrabKeyboard

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'GrabKeyboard'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type GrabMouse

Description: Enum constant QEvent::GrabMouse

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'GrabMouse'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type GraphicsSceneContextMenu

Description: Enum constant QEvent::GraphicsSceneContextMenu

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'GraphicsSceneContextMenu'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type GraphicsSceneDragEnter

Description: Enum constant QEvent::GraphicsSceneDragEnter

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'GraphicsSceneDragEnter'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type GraphicsSceneDragLeave

Description: Enum constant QEvent::GraphicsSceneDragLeave

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'GraphicsSceneDragLeave'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type GraphicsSceneDragMove

Description: Enum constant QEvent::GraphicsSceneDragMove

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'GraphicsSceneDragMove'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type GraphicsSceneDrop

Description: Enum constant QEvent::GraphicsSceneDrop

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'GraphicsSceneDrop'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type GraphicsSceneHelp

Description: Enum constant QEvent::GraphicsSceneHelp

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'GraphicsSceneHelp'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type GraphicsSceneHoverEnter

Description: Enum constant QEvent::GraphicsSceneHoverEnter

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'GraphicsSceneHoverEnter'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type GraphicsSceneHoverLeave

Description: Enum constant QEvent::GraphicsSceneHoverLeave

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'GraphicsSceneHoverLeave'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type GraphicsSceneHoverMove

Description: Enum constant QEvent::GraphicsSceneHoverMove

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'GraphicsSceneHoverMove'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type GraphicsSceneMouseDoubleClick

Description: Enum constant QEvent::GraphicsSceneMouseDoubleClick

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'GraphicsSceneMouseDoubleClick'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type GraphicsSceneMouseMove

Description: Enum constant QEvent::GraphicsSceneMouseMove

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'GraphicsSceneMouseMove'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type GraphicsSceneMousePress

Description: Enum constant QEvent::GraphicsSceneMousePress

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'GraphicsSceneMousePress'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type GraphicsSceneMouseRelease

Description: Enum constant QEvent::GraphicsSceneMouseRelease

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'GraphicsSceneMouseRelease'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type GraphicsSceneMove

Description: Enum constant QEvent::GraphicsSceneMove

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'GraphicsSceneMove'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type GraphicsSceneResize

Description: Enum constant QEvent::GraphicsSceneResize

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'GraphicsSceneResize'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type GraphicsSceneWheel

Description: Enum constant QEvent::GraphicsSceneWheel

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'GraphicsSceneWheel'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type HelpRequest

Description: Enum constant QEvent::HelpRequest

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'HelpRequest'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type Hide

Description: Enum constant QEvent::Hide

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'Hide'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type HideToParent

Description: Enum constant QEvent::HideToParent

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'HideToParent'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type HoverEnter

Description: Enum constant QEvent::HoverEnter

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'HoverEnter'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type HoverLeave

Description: Enum constant QEvent::HoverLeave

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'HoverLeave'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type HoverMove

Description: Enum constant QEvent::HoverMove

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'HoverMove'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type IconDrag

Description: Enum constant QEvent::IconDrag

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'IconDrag'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type IconTextChange

Description: Enum constant QEvent::IconTextChange

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'IconTextChange'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type InputMethod

Description: Enum constant QEvent::InputMethod

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'InputMethod'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type InputMethodQuery

Description: Enum constant QEvent::InputMethodQuery

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'InputMethodQuery'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type KeyPress

Description: Enum constant QEvent::KeyPress

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'KeyPress'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type KeyRelease

Description: Enum constant QEvent::KeyRelease

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'KeyRelease'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type KeyboardLayoutChange

Description: Enum constant QEvent::KeyboardLayoutChange

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'KeyboardLayoutChange'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type LanguageChange

Description: Enum constant QEvent::LanguageChange

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'LanguageChange'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type LayoutDirectionChange

Description: Enum constant QEvent::LayoutDirectionChange

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'LayoutDirectionChange'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type LayoutRequest

Description: Enum constant QEvent::LayoutRequest

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'LayoutRequest'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type Leave

Description: Enum constant QEvent::Leave

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'Leave'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type LeaveWhatsThisMode

Description: Enum constant QEvent::LeaveWhatsThisMode

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'LeaveWhatsThisMode'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type LocaleChange

Description: Enum constant QEvent::LocaleChange

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'LocaleChange'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type MacGLClearDrawable

Description: Enum constant QEvent::MacGLClearDrawable

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'MacGLClearDrawable'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type MacGLWindowChange

Description: Enum constant QEvent::MacGLWindowChange

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'MacGLWindowChange'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type MacSizeChange

Description: Enum constant QEvent::MacSizeChange

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'MacSizeChange'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type MaxUser

Description: Enum constant QEvent::MaxUser

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'MaxUser'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type MetaCall

Description: Enum constant QEvent::MetaCall

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'MetaCall'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type ModifiedChange

Description: Enum constant QEvent::ModifiedChange

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'ModifiedChange'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type MouseButtonDblClick

Description: Enum constant QEvent::MouseButtonDblClick

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'MouseButtonDblClick'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type MouseButtonPress

Description: Enum constant QEvent::MouseButtonPress

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'MouseButtonPress'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type MouseButtonRelease

Description: Enum constant QEvent::MouseButtonRelease

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'MouseButtonRelease'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type MouseMove

Description: Enum constant QEvent::MouseMove

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'MouseMove'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type MouseTrackingChange

Description: Enum constant QEvent::MouseTrackingChange

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'MouseTrackingChange'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type Move

Description: Enum constant QEvent::Move

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'Move'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type NativeGesture

Description: Enum constant QEvent::NativeGesture

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'NativeGesture'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type NetworkReplyUpdated

Description: Enum constant QEvent::NetworkReplyUpdated

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'NetworkReplyUpdated'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type NonClientAreaMouseButtonDblClick

Description: Enum constant QEvent::NonClientAreaMouseButtonDblClick

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'NonClientAreaMouseButtonDblClick'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type NonClientAreaMouseButtonPress

Description: Enum constant QEvent::NonClientAreaMouseButtonPress

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'NonClientAreaMouseButtonPress'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type NonClientAreaMouseButtonRelease

Description: Enum constant QEvent::NonClientAreaMouseButtonRelease

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'NonClientAreaMouseButtonRelease'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type NonClientAreaMouseMove

Description: Enum constant QEvent::NonClientAreaMouseMove

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'NonClientAreaMouseMove'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type None

Description: Enum constant QEvent::None

Python specific notes:
This member is available as 'None_' in Python.
The class exposes a readable attribute 'None_'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type OkRequest

Description: Enum constant QEvent::OkRequest

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'OkRequest'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type OrientationChange

Description: Enum constant QEvent::OrientationChange

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'OrientationChange'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type Paint

Description: Enum constant QEvent::Paint

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'Paint'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type PaletteChange

Description: Enum constant QEvent::PaletteChange

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'PaletteChange'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type ParentAboutToChange

Description: Enum constant QEvent::ParentAboutToChange

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'ParentAboutToChange'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type ParentChange

Description: Enum constant QEvent::ParentChange

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'ParentChange'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type PlatformPanel

Description: Enum constant QEvent::PlatformPanel

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'PlatformPanel'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type PlatformSurface

Description: Enum constant QEvent::PlatformSurface

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'PlatformSurface'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type Pointer

Description: Enum constant QEvent::Pointer

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'Pointer'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type Polish

Description: Enum constant QEvent::Polish

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'Polish'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type PolishRequest

Description: Enum constant QEvent::PolishRequest

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'PolishRequest'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type QueryWhatsThis

Description: Enum constant QEvent::QueryWhatsThis

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'QueryWhatsThis'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type Quit

Description: Enum constant QEvent::Quit

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'Quit'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type ReadOnlyChange

Description: Enum constant QEvent::ReadOnlyChange

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'ReadOnlyChange'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type RequestSoftwareInputPanel

Description: Enum constant QEvent::RequestSoftwareInputPanel

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'RequestSoftwareInputPanel'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type Resize

Description: Enum constant QEvent::Resize

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'Resize'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type ScreenChangeInternal

Description: Enum constant QEvent::ScreenChangeInternal

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'ScreenChangeInternal'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type Scroll

Description: Enum constant QEvent::Scroll

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'Scroll'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type ScrollPrepare

Description: Enum constant QEvent::ScrollPrepare

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'ScrollPrepare'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type Shortcut

Description: Enum constant QEvent::Shortcut

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'Shortcut'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type ShortcutOverride

Description: Enum constant QEvent::ShortcutOverride

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'ShortcutOverride'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type Show

Description: Enum constant QEvent::Show

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'Show'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type ShowToParent

Description: Enum constant QEvent::ShowToParent

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'ShowToParent'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type ShowWindowRequest

Description: Enum constant QEvent::ShowWindowRequest

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'ShowWindowRequest'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type SockAct

Description: Enum constant QEvent::SockAct

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'SockAct'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type SockClose

Description: Enum constant QEvent::SockClose

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'SockClose'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type Speech

Description: Enum constant QEvent::Speech

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'Speech'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type StateMachineSignal

Description: Enum constant QEvent::StateMachineSignal

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'StateMachineSignal'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type StateMachineWrapped

Description: Enum constant QEvent::StateMachineWrapped

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'StateMachineWrapped'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type StatusTip

Description: Enum constant QEvent::StatusTip

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'StatusTip'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type Style

Description: Enum constant QEvent::Style

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'Style'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type StyleAnimationUpdate

Description: Enum constant QEvent::StyleAnimationUpdate

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'StyleAnimationUpdate'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type StyleChange

Description: Enum constant QEvent::StyleChange

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'StyleChange'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type TabletEnterProximity

Description: Enum constant QEvent::TabletEnterProximity

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'TabletEnterProximity'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type TabletLeaveProximity

Description: Enum constant QEvent::TabletLeaveProximity

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'TabletLeaveProximity'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type TabletMove

Description: Enum constant QEvent::TabletMove

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'TabletMove'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type TabletPress

Description: Enum constant QEvent::TabletPress

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'TabletPress'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type TabletRelease

Description: Enum constant QEvent::TabletRelease

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'TabletRelease'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type TabletTrackingChange

Description: Enum constant QEvent::TabletTrackingChange

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'TabletTrackingChange'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type ThemeChange

Description: Enum constant QEvent::ThemeChange

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'ThemeChange'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type ThreadChange

Description: Enum constant QEvent::ThreadChange

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'ThreadChange'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type Timer

Description: Enum constant QEvent::Timer

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'Timer'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type ToolBarChange

Description: Enum constant QEvent::ToolBarChange

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'ToolBarChange'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type ToolTip

Description: Enum constant QEvent::ToolTip

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'ToolTip'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type ToolTipChange

Description: Enum constant QEvent::ToolTipChange

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'ToolTipChange'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type TouchBegin

Description: Enum constant QEvent::TouchBegin

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'TouchBegin'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type TouchCancel

Description: Enum constant QEvent::TouchCancel

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'TouchCancel'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type TouchEnd

Description: Enum constant QEvent::TouchEnd

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'TouchEnd'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type TouchUpdate

Description: Enum constant QEvent::TouchUpdate

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'TouchUpdate'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type UngrabKeyboard

Description: Enum constant QEvent::UngrabKeyboard

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'UngrabKeyboard'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type UngrabMouse

Description: Enum constant QEvent::UngrabMouse

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'UngrabMouse'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type UpdateLater

Description: Enum constant QEvent::UpdateLater

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'UpdateLater'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type UpdateRequest

Description: Enum constant QEvent::UpdateRequest

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'UpdateRequest'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type User

Description: Enum constant QEvent::User

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'User'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type WhatsThis

Description: Enum constant QEvent::WhatsThis

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'WhatsThis'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type WhatsThisClicked

Description: Enum constant QEvent::WhatsThisClicked

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'WhatsThisClicked'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type Wheel

Description: Enum constant QEvent::Wheel

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'Wheel'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type WinEventAct

Description: Enum constant QEvent::WinEventAct

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'WinEventAct'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type WinIdChange

Description: Enum constant QEvent::WinIdChange

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'WinIdChange'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type WindowActivate

Description: Enum constant QEvent::WindowActivate

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'WindowActivate'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type WindowBlocked

Description: Enum constant QEvent::WindowBlocked

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'WindowBlocked'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type WindowChangeInternal

Description: Enum constant QEvent::WindowChangeInternal

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'WindowChangeInternal'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type WindowDeactivate

Description: Enum constant QEvent::WindowDeactivate

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'WindowDeactivate'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type WindowIconChange

Description: Enum constant QEvent::WindowIconChange

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'WindowIconChange'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type WindowStateChange

Description: Enum constant QEvent::WindowStateChange

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'WindowStateChange'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type WindowTitleChange

Description: Enum constant QEvent::WindowTitleChange

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'WindowTitleChange'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type WindowUnblocked

Description: Enum constant QEvent::WindowUnblocked

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'WindowUnblocked'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type ZOrderChange

Description: Enum constant QEvent::ZOrderChange

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'ZOrderChange'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QEvent_Type ZeroTimerEvent

Description: Enum constant QEvent::ZeroTimerEvent

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'ZeroTimerEvent'. This is the getter.


Signature: [const] QEvent_Type ptr _const_cast

Description: Returns a non-const reference to self.

Basically, this method allows turning a const object reference to a non-const one. This method is provided as last resort to remove the constness from an object. Usually there is a good reason for a const object reference, so using this method may have undesired side effects.

This method has been introduced in version 0.29.6.


Signature: void _create

Description: Ensures the C++ object is created

Use this method to ensure the C++ object is created, for example to ensure that resources are allocated. Usually C++ objects are created on demand and not necessarily when the script object is created.


Signature: void _destroy

Description: Explicitly destroys the object

Explicitly destroys the object on C++ side if it was owned by the script interpreter. Subsequent access to this object will throw an exception. If the object is not owned by the script, this method will do nothing.


Signature: [const] bool _destroyed?

Description: Returns a value indicating whether the object was already destroyed

This method returns true, if the object was destroyed, either explicitly or by the C++ side. The latter may happen, if the object is owned by a C++ object which got destroyed itself.


Signature: [const] bool _is_const_object?

Description: Returns a value indicating whether the reference is a const reference

This method returns true, if self is a const reference. In that case, only const methods may be called on self.


Signature: void _manage

Description: Marks the object as managed by the script side.

After calling this method on an object, the script side will be responsible for the management of the object. This method may be called if an object is returned from a C++ function and the object is known not to be owned by any C++ instance. If necessary, the script side may delete the object if the script's reference is no longer required.

Usually it's not required to call this method. It has been introduced in version 0.24.


Signature: void _unmanage

Description: Marks the object as no longer owned by the script side.

Calling this method will make this object no longer owned by the script's memory management. Instead, the object must be managed in some other way. Usually this method may be called if it is known that some C++ object holds and manages this object. Technically speaking, this method will turn the script's reference into a weak reference. After the script engine decides to delete the reference, the object itself will still exist. If the object is not managed otherwise, memory leaks will occur.

Usually it's not required to call this method. It has been introduced in version 0.24.


Signature: void assign (const QEvent_Type other)

Description: Assigns another object to self


Signature: void create

Description: Ensures the C++ object is created

Use of this method is deprecated. Use _create instead

Use this method to ensure the C++ object is created, for example to ensure that resources are allocated. Usually C++ objects are created on demand and not necessarily when the script object is created.


Signature: void destroy

Description: Explicitly destroys the object

Use of this method is deprecated. Use _destroy instead

Explicitly destroys the object on C++ side if it was owned by the script interpreter. Subsequent access to this object will throw an exception. If the object is not owned by the script, this method will do nothing.


Signature: [const] bool destroyed?

Description: Returns a value indicating whether the object was already destroyed

Use of this method is deprecated. Use _destroyed? instead

This method returns true, if the object was destroyed, either explicitly or by the C++ side. The latter may happen, if the object is owned by a C++ object which got destroyed itself.


Signature: [const] new QEvent_Type ptr dup

Description: Creates a copy of self

Python specific notes:
This method also implements '__copy__' and '__deepcopy__'.


Signature: [const] int hash

Description: Gets the hash value from the enum

Python specific notes:
This method is also available as 'hash(object)'.


Signature: [const] string inspect

Description: Converts an enum to a visual string

Python specific notes:
This method is also available as 'repr(object)'.


Signature: [const] bool is_const_object?

Description: Returns a value indicating whether the reference is a const reference

Use of this method is deprecated. Use _is_const_object? instead

This method returns true, if self is a const reference. In that case, only const methods may be called on self.


(1) Signature: [static] new QEvent_Type ptr new (int i)

Description: Creates an enum from an integer value

Python specific notes:
This method is the default initializer of the object.

(2) Signature: [static] new QEvent_Type ptr new (string s)

Description: Creates an enum from a string value

Python specific notes:
This method is the default initializer of the object.


Signature: [const] int to_i

Description: Gets the integer value from the enum

Python specific notes:
This method is also available as 'int(object)'.


Signature: [const] string to_s

Description: Gets the symbolic string from an enum

Python specific notes:
This method is also available as 'str(object)'.


(1) Signature: [const] QEvent_QFlags_Type | (const QEvent_Type other)

Description: Creates a flag set by combining the two flags

(2) Signature: [const] QEvent_QFlags_Type | (const QEvent_QFlags_Type other)

Description: Combines the flag and the flag set