add random mask bias to contact holes

I want to make a standard square hole GDS with fixed pitches in X and Y directions. 100*100 arrays.
But I want to add the random CD bias to each hole.
How to implement in Klayout?

Would be happy if anyone can share me such implementation, thanks.


  • Not sure why you'd do this or how realistic you think it'll be
    (much of CD variation will be systematic, and some more of
    it involving proximity / edge-of-array effects). But if it were my
    problem, I think I'd first make a PCell for the square object
    with center 0,0 and param for size, and then a script routine
    to place randomized-property cells on your major grid.

    However you might as easily be able to riffle through a layout
    of identical objects and property-edit the objects one by one
    on their inherent geom fields.

    All would seem to presume there is a random() function in
    the Ruby or Python, whichever you plan to use. Seems likely.

    The two seem identically easy to me because I have no chance
    of accomplishing either one.

  • edited February 2023

    Here is a python script that might do what you are looking for:

    #Create a grid of squares with normally distributed random size variation
    #x and y dimension of squares are always equal, but could easily be adjusted to vary independantly
    #Run on Klayout 0.26.11 installed using downloaded installer on windows 10
    #main imports
    import os
    import pya
    import numpy.random
    layout = pya.Layout()
    nx = 100
    ny = nx
    squareSize = 50.0 #microns
    xpitch = 100.0 #microns
    ypitch = xpitch
    cdstdDev = 10.0 #microns
    top = layout.create_cell("topCell")
    for i in range(0,nx):
      for j in range(0,ny):
        thisSquareSize = squareSize + numpy.random.normal(0.0, cdstdDev)
          thisSquareSize = 0
        box = pya.DBox(-thisSquareSize/2.0,-thisSquareSize/2.0,thisSquareSize/2.0,thisSquareSize/2.0).moved(i*xpitch,j*ypitch)
        top.shapes(layout.layer(1, 0)).insert(box)
    #Save the file in the same directory as the script, and open it in the main window
    filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "squares.gds")

    Image of output gds:

  • Cool! :)

    Many thanks for sharing this script.

    One remark: in order to be useful for Linux users, the path separator cannot be a backslash. For the generic version use:

    filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "squares.gds")


  • Thanks Matthias, I have edited the above script to include that correction.

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