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Was doing some basic editing, placed a box on a valid layer,
invoked Partial, so far so good. Rolled the mouse wheel to try
and zoom to where I wanted to stretch, the whole session
evaporates without any kind of popup or complaint and no
work was saved.
Windows version 0.28.7 freshly installed, seems otherwise fine.
Is there a logfile I should chase down? Any ideas where it might
be, in a default Windows install? Is there a proper way
to report bugs, rather than dumping narrative in this
Development subforum? I asked before but do not recall
being directed elsewhere.
Hi @dick_freebird
That's bad ...
Just for my understanding: this also happens if you're starting from a blank layout? So like: creating a new layout with one layer, place one box, select a box edge in partial mode and trying to move it?
KLayout almost always give a stack trace popup. If the crash is silent, there is little information provided beyond that.
You can start KLayout from the console and try to redirect stdout and stderr to some file (e.g. "klayout_app.exe >stdout.txt 2>stderr.txt". If there is a panic message, it should be written into these files.
A first attempt to reproduce that problem failed for me. I hope it's not something weird like a graphics driver issue.
It was an existing layout, adding a box object and then to
stretch it.
I'll see if I can replicate and catch any output.
So far I have not been able to repeat the failure, even
going back to the layout I was in and retracing steps.
I encountered the same thing again today (whilst not trying, and not-saved
). Over-enthusiastic mouse-wheel behavior, provoked by some unexpected lag in rendering.
It may just be a Windows thing, but it's still hiding in the woodwork of 0.28.7 somewhere.
Would there be the possibility (or even existence, but un-invoked) of a "PANIC save" that could be opened and either automatically, or selectively (by hand) "recovered"? Just save what's in memory to an autonamed gds file and autonamed .lyp and anything else that was open and changed. Maybe co-name all by date*time or something?
That was possible if the fault can be captured through a signal handler. In that case you would see a window with the stack trace. But the way you describe it is that the window is gone without further notice. This also means there is no signal to intercept - so there is no code of mine invoked.
I suspect it's a graphics driver issue or something similar. If that is the case, only regular saves will help