How to use "Instance- array" command for different layers?

Hello, I am self-studying how to use Klayout. I want to use Instance - array to 2 different layers (call them layer 1 and layer 2). As I finish in layer 1 and use array to layer 2, the new figure still belongs to layer 1 and layer 2 has nothing in it. However, I still can draw box and other shapes in layer 2. Has anyone encountered this problem before? How do you resolve it? Thank you very very very much for your help!
P/s: I'm using Macbook to open klayout.


  • edited August 2024


    I do not understand what you mean by "use array to layer 2". What exact command or menu did you use?
    You are probably new to this field.
    The first step is to understand some basic concepts clearly.
    ChatGPT's answer, shown below, will be helpful to you.

  • edited August 2024

    In this example,

    • Cell "F" has a polygonal shape in Layer "1/0".
    • Cell "ArrayF" has a Cell Instance (arrayed by 4x5) of Cell "F" and a path shape in Layer "2/0".
    • What we can array is a Cell, not a Layer.

  • edited August 2024

    If we add a new shape (triangle) to Layer "2/0" of Cell "F," it propagates across the arrayed Cell Instance.
    The operation captured in the animation is called Edit-In-Place.

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