Accessing the "absolute" position of a shape


I'm wondering if there is any helper function/method that allows me to retrieve the absolute position of a shape (relative to the top level cell) in a hierarchical GDS - or do I need to walk my way back to the top cell through the instance tree ?
The use case is to retrieve the position of shapes on a particular layer that defines the bonding pad openings in a ASIC.

I'm using a code similar to this:

def get_bbox_for_cells_containing_cb_layer(
    layout: kdb.Layout, layer: int, datatype: int

    layer1 = layout.layer(layer, datatype)
    top_cell = layout.top_cell()

    iter = top_cell.begin_shapes_rec(layer1)
    while not (iter.at_end()):
        if iter.shape().is_polygon():
            logging.debug("Polygon: " + str(iter.shape().dpolygon))
            logging.debug("  From shape " + str(iter.shape()))
            logging.debug("  Property   " + str(iter.shape().properties()))
            logging.debug("    BBOX " + str(iter.shape().dbbox()))
        elif iter.shape().is_path():

The shapes I'm collecting are "deep" into the hierarchy of the GDS (they don't belong to the top level).

Thank you


  • Hi,

    About this?

    Test Data

    Code and Results

    import klayout.db as kdb
    def Find_BondingPad_Positions( indesign: str, layer: int, datatype: int ):
      # [1] Open the input design
      layout  = kdb.Layout()
      topcell = layout.top_cell()
      layIdx  = layout.layer(layer, datatype)
      pads_relative = list()  # container for the relative coordinates
      pads_absolute = list()  # container for the absolute coordinates
      # [2] Iterate over the cell instances
      iterI = topcell.begin_instances_rec()
      while not (iterI.at_end()):
        # (A) Gets the accumulated transformation of the current instance parent cell to the top cell.
        #     This transformation represents how the current instance is seen in the top cell.
        #     This version returns the micron-unit transformation.
        dtrans = iterI.dtrans()
        cell   = iterI.inst_cell()
        # (B) Skip the current child cell if it does not contain target shapes
        target_shapes = [ shape for shape in cell.each_shape(layIdx, kdb.Shapes.SBoxes) ]
        if len(target_shapes) == 0:

        # (C) Otherwise...
          # (1) Gets the micron-unit transformation of the current instance.
          #     This is the transformation of the current instance inside its parent.
          #     'dtrans * inst_dtrans' gives the full micron-unit transformation how
          #     the current cell is seen in the top cell.
          #     See also inst_trans and inst_cell.
          inst_dtrans = iterI.inst_dtrans()
          # (2) Iterate over the shapes
          for shape in target_shapes:
            current_dbox = shape.dbox
            pads_absolute.append(current_dbox.transformed(dtrans * inst_dtrans))
          print( f"### Cell <{}> in <{indesign}> contains <{len(target_shapes)}> rectangles with L/D={layer}/{datatype} ###" )

      # [3] Print the results
      print( f"### In Relative Coordinates ###" )
      for item in sorted(pads_relative):
        print( f"  {item}" )
      print( f"### In Absolute Coordinates ###" )
      for item in sorted(pads_absolute):
        print( f"  {item}" )
    def Main():
      indesign = "F2592.gds"
      Find_BondingPad_Positions( indesign, 5, 0 )
    if __name__ == "__main__":
    ### Cell <A> in <F2592.gds> contains <16> rectangles with L/D=5/0 ###
    ### In Relative Coordinates ###
    ### In Absolute Coordinates ###
  • edited September 2024

    With two instances of cell A

    ### Cell <A> in <F2592-2A.gds> contains <16> rectangles with L/D=5/0 ###
    ### In Relative Coordinates ###
    ### In Absolute Coordinates ###

    Updated: 2024-09-17

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