Is there a matrure routing algorithm in KLayout or in pya Package?

I find a lot of PDK tools use A* algorithm to link ports of PCells. And I really want to know is there an integrated tools like this in KLayout? Or some python code we could directly use.


  • No, there is no routing algorithm built into KLayout.


  • Ok, later I will try to learn how to make this, I found these kind of algorithms are quite mature online. When fininished, I will share code here.

  • Some people really like the auto-place and flight lines. To me they're a half-a$$ed guess (placed only as neatly as schematic is drawn - if that - and then cluttered up). I know where each transistor belongs and how signal flow is, so what's an algorithm got for me?

    But layout dude I'm working with, moans any time LayoutXL can't do what I tell him because some FET name isn't consistent. Or whatever other brittleness.

    Can't wait to hear the excuses once "AI".
  • @dick_freebird I agree with you, but I think we can set some control points and restrict auto layout a little bit, and then everything is fine. In my opinion, it will be a little bit convenient, of course currently, it cannot deal everything.

    Besides, I think 'auto' will be ultimate solution, though we cannot realize it now. By optimizing algorithm, one day we will realize.

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