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I find a lot of PDK tools use A* algorithm to link ports of PCells. And I really want to know is there an integrated tools like this in KLayout? Or some python code we could directly use.
No, there is no routing algorithm built into KLayout.
Ok, later I will try to learn how to make this, I found these kind of algorithms are quite mature online. When fininished, I will share code here.
But layout dude I'm working with, moans any time LayoutXL can't do what I tell him because some FET name isn't consistent. Or whatever other brittleness.
Can't wait to hear the excuses once "AI".
@dick_freebird I agree with you, but I think we can set some control points and restrict auto layout a little bit, and then everything is fine. In my opinion, it will be a little bit convenient, of course currently, it cannot deal everything.
Besides, I think 'auto' will be ultimate solution, though we cannot realize it now. By optimizing algorithm, one day we will realize.