immense amount of GDS to DXF

edited January 2015 in File Formats

I have hundreds of .GDS files and I need to convert them to .DXF files. I can convert them one by one ( save a .GDS as .DXF ). But it would take quite a long time to convert all the .GDS. Is there any way to convert them at the same time (or faster)?


  • edited January 2015


    there is a discussion about a similar problem here: Another discussion covering that topic is

    The approach uses a simple script. You can easily extend the script to do the conversion on many files or you put the klayout call into a .bat or shell script.


  • edited November -1
    Hello Matthias,

    Thank you very much for your help! Your codes work great!

    I have one more question, is there any way to set the "scale factor" during the conversion?


  • edited November -1

    Hi Lunan,

    yes there is. Instead of "ly.write" use the version with an option object:

    options =
    options.format = "DXF"
    options.scale_factor = 2.5   # TODO: change this value
    ly.write($output, options)

    You can configure more options on "SaveLayoutOptions", like the DXF file's unit etc. Please note that with this method, you'll have to configure the format option on "options" - the write method won't derive it from the file name. Just in case you want to write a different format.



  • edited November -1
    Hello Matthias,

    Thanks a lot for your help! It works very well!

  • edited March 2015
    Hello Matthias,

    Sometime there are more than one cell that is inclueded in a .gds file. Is there a way to select a certain cell (I know the cell name) using RBA? Then I could be able to automatically to convert the cell to .dxf (pretty much like the command "Save selected cells as"...)


  • "there is a discussion about a similar problem here: Another discussion covering that topic is

    The approach uses a simple script. You can easily extend the script to do the conversion on many files or you put the klayout call into a .bat or shell script."

    I am also encountering this problem now, but the two links in the answer are invalid.

  • I sometimes have a need to go the opposite direction,
    like taking packaging house cavity drawings in to the
    layout for making bond figures.

  • @wildwolfcj The forum links changed from "DiscussionID=xyz" to "". So these links should lead you further: and They date back to 2012 however.


  • New to GDS. Customers provide them most of the time the GDS needs to be converted to DXF 100% error rate top-level cell is not unique. Is there a quick easy method to avoid error? Sitting here viewing a GDS file with 45 cells. 1 is bold all uppercase. Is there a way to move everything to 1 cell. Don't care about intention etc. as long as marking are .0005 microns within positional tolerance.

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