qt 5.15.10 needs to be patched to build on MacOS with CommandLineTools 15


  • I missed your warning :'(

  • edited September 2023

    Before knowing this warning, I unthinkingly upgraded Ventura and Xcode to 13.6 and 15.0, respectively.
    Due to this issue, I could not build KLayout 0.28.12 on Ventura, and the next DMG set will not include those built on Ventura.

    I will wait for an official update from Homebrew.

    If you are interested, please try to use one built in Monterey.

  • edited October 2023

    Hi @StefanThiede,

    Thank you for sharing your experience.
    I've also applied the patch manually, following the steps captured here. And the build was successful.
    Four additional DMGs are up.

  • qt@5.15.11

    I have confirmed that Homebrew has applied the patch in qt@5.15.11.
    By upgrading to qt@5.15.11, patching is no longer required.

  • edited January 18

    Qt 5.12.8 and Clang-17 on Linux Mint 20.3

    I have also confirmed that this patch is required in the above-said environment.
    That is, in a relatively old Qt and relatively new compiler (clang) combination.
    The build was done in expert mode.

    MyHost{sekigawa}(1)$ clang++ --version
    clang version 17.0.6 (https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project.git 6009708b4367171ccdbf4b5905cb6a803753fe18)
    Target: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
    Thread model: posix
    InstalledDir: /usr/local/bin
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