Ruler issue after klayout v0.21(included)

edited December 2010 in KLayout Support
Hi Matthias:

The ruler after v0.21 seems malfunction, when we try to setup the ruler as follow, the errors appear in terminal:

Rulers And Annotations => Templates => Outline
from Diagnoal to Horizonal and vertical (in this order)

*** ERROR: Unknown variable 'x' at '..{%.2f}'
*** ERROR: Worker thread:Unknown variable 'x' at '..{%.2f}'

The same setting works fine on v0.20, could you please confirm that ? thanks~

Best Regards,


  • edited December 2010
    Hi Matthias:

    We found that the X Label format $x{%.2f} is no longer accepted after v0.21, changed it to $X fixed this issue.

    Best Regards,
  • edited December 2010

    Hi chhung,

    I forgot to mention that new feature in the release notes. Actually, I replaced the simple substitution scheme by a full-blown expression parser. The new scheme is described here:

    Frankly I reckoned not many people would use the old scheme and did not spend the effort to provide something backward compatible. To emulate the old "$x{%.2f}" you now can use


    For a brief explanation: the former lower case 'x' is actually X in nm units, hence X*1000, the formatting is done with sprintf rather than the somewhat non-standard {..} notation.

    If it's important I can try to implement a fallback scheme that is backward compatible.

    Best regards,


  • edited November -1
    Hi Matthias,

    We really appreciate your explanation about ruler issue in detail, the new scheme is good enough for us, thanks for your effort.

    Best Regards,
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