Output within a DRC engine instance fail to generate report database

This code works.

report("Firt sample database", "out.lyrdb")

input(1, 0).sized(200.nm).output("sized","error")

But, this code would not produce out.lyrdb file. What am I missing?

eng = DRC::DRCEngine::new
eng.instance_eval do
    report("Firt sample database", "out.lyrdb")

    input(1, 0).sized(200.nm).output("sized","error")


  • edited June 2021

    @yangwoo You need to call "eng._finish" finally to flush the report to a file.

    But you're playing with internals here. You should be able to read the original code when you plan to do so.


  • @Matthias Thanks for comments. Borrowed two lines of codes from eng._flush and now it works.

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