How to export the instance point for the cell been selection?

Hi Sir,
in my case , over 50000 cells into current view , so I just want to get the bbox(or instance point) for some of cell that been user selected ,
may I know how to do that in Ruby DRC?
as below code , I can't get the result...
if any command or nows , please let me know.
Thanks very much.

mw = RBA::Application::instance::main_window
view = mw.current_view
sel = view.object_selection
sel.each do |xxxx|
puts xxxx.bbox
view.object_selection = sel


  • I'm thinking that you want to query the instance property list for origin coords?

    How, no idea.
  • I think so too ... but why DRC?

  • Hi Matthias,
    I have no idea/powerful for fully Ruby coding.
    so , I always using DRC +Ruby to do what I need.
    in this case , I want to make line /path connect between some part of bump which is I selected.
    as below , the code can help me to do the daisy chain loop .
    But , that is not very smart ,I still need to connect some of bump pad , one by one.
    That is reason I want to export some of instance point (position of cell origin)
    and code the result to make Dpath.
    Maybe that is not good way , but that is what the way I can do ....:P

    layout_view = RBA::Application.instance.main_window.current_view
    cell_view = layout_view.active_cellview
    layout = cell_view.layout
    viewed_cell = cell_view.cell
    layer = input(70,0)
    layer = layout.layer(73,0)
    read_bump_pad=input(98,0) do |xx|
    point << "#{ / 1000.0},#{ / 1000.0}"
    for i in 0..(totally-2)
    if ((point1x==point2x || point1y==point2y)&&(([point1x,point2x].max- [point1x,point2x].min) <linegap)) || (((point1x-point2x)**2 +(point1y-point2y)**2)**0.5)<linegap then
    point1 =,point1y)
    point2 =,point2y)
    viewed_cell.shapes(layer).insert([point1, point2],width))  
  • edited November 2022

    Hello JW,

    This topic interests me. The code insure the connection between 2 bumps if the distance under 600.
    I imagine, maybe manually sorting can be skipped if the jugde condition be more solid. It will be fun if you
    can share the criteria for bumps to be connected or not.

  • Hi @Vincent Lin
    In other code , I using all the bump coordinate and do-loop to finished almost chain loop.(bump count >10000)
    after the code (process all the bump) I still need to manual process chain group around ~200.
    Cause I have process almost bump cell , it is why I using this odd flow ---manually chooses the bumps which not been process in first step and filter some connnect base on the bump distance by 600um.

  • @jiunnweiyeh

    I'm a bit confused because initially you meant selected instances, but from the DRC script you do something with "interact" and work on shapes ...

    Anyway, here is a script that lets you select instances and connects their centers if below a certain threshold. Note that this is not a DRC script but a Ruby macro. It provides undo/redo support and you can configure it to show up as a menu item:

    # NOTE: this is a Ruby script, not DRC! # the distance of cell centers below which to create a wire distance = 600.0 # the width of the wire wire_width = 40.0 view = RBA::LayoutView::current cv = view.active_cellview_index ly = view.cellview(cv).layout # place results on layer 2/0 in this case output_layer = ly.layer(2, 0) output = ly.top_cell.shapes(output_layer) # fetch the center positions of all selected instances positions = [] view.each_object_selected do |sel| if sel.is_cell_inst? positions << (sel.dtrans * sel.inst.dbbox).center end end if positions.size >= 2 begin # provide undo/redo support view.transaction("wire daisy chain pads") # sort by x first def xfirst(a,b) return a.y != b.y ? a.y <=> b.y : a.x <=> b.x end sorted = positions.sort { |a,b| xfirst(a, b) } (sorted.size - 1).times do |i| p1 = sorted[i] p2 = sorted[i + 1] if p1.y == p2.y && (p1.x - p2.x).abs < distance output.insert(RBA::DPath::new([p1, p2], wire_width)) end end # sort by y first def yfirst(a,b) return a.x != b.x ? a.x <=> b.x : a.y <=> b.y end sorted = positions.sort { |a,b| yfirst(a, b) } (sorted.size - 1).times do |i| p1 = sorted[i] p2 = sorted[i + 1] if p1.x == p2.x && (p1.y - p2.y).abs < distance output.insert(RBA::DPath::new([p1, p2], wire_width)) end end ensure view.commit end end

    This script gives me this in one example of mine:


  • @Matthias
    Thanks a lot , It is workabe.

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