Path Check and repair

Hi sir ,
as Picture showning , I want to check /fix this path issue , that will make a gap in the area.
in the DRC function , can I check path points and width ?
(in the area , we have a lot of pattern , include shape and path , I need a function to filter path/shape in first.


  • The only way I fix these is by overlaying a "filler" or "cutter"
    polygon and doing a merge or subtract as appropriate.
    I imagine that Partial could drag the path straight too.
    You have some other, uglier ones to fix around the round
    pad at lower right and that needs something else.

  • Hi jiunnweiyeh

    I think DRC will turn all the shapes in to polygons or edge pairs, which at that stage the engine can no longer distinguish betwee a path and a shape object.

    by using KLayout API we can easily filter out path objects and check for small segments individually.

    this example only check path segment length and without considering small gaps formed by pattern stacking and intersecting.

    import pya
    layout = pya.Application.instance().main_window().current_view().active_cellview().layout()
    def checkPath(checkLayer, errorOutLayer):
        #check every cell 
        for checkCell in layout.each_cell():
            #filter path objects
            pathArray = [shape.path for shape in checkCell.shapes(checkLayer) if shape.is_path()]
            for path in pathArray:
                #get individual points from path
                pointArray = list(path.each_point())
                for index in range(len(pointArray)-1):
                    #generate each path segment
                    pathSegment = pya.Path([pointArray[index], pointArray[index+1]], path.width)
                    #check if path segment is too short, move to errorOutLayer to highlight segment
                    if pathSegment.length() < path.width:
    checkPath(layout.layer(0,0), layout.layer(100,0))

  • edited July 2023

    Hi jiunnweiyeh

    if you don't care what causes the small gap and just want a fixed and get a gap-free version of the layer

    you can try to utilize the size up and down function to eliminate gaps and output to a separate layer for tape out.

    and this can be achieved with just one line of code.

    input(1, 0).merged().raw().sized(,, 6).output(2, 0)

  • Hi Rawr,
    Thanks for your coding.
    in my case , the design path been provided by customer and look like they using other design tool,
    for draw / design the connect path.
    it is reason our designer find that in some of our case.

    when I check the path gap location , I find that may a solution to fix what the case I face to currently.
    here is my code , I just remove the path segment when the length small than width /8.0
    Actually, I have no idea for why that can fix trace/path broken issue , I just try and error base on
    my coding capbility...

    def dis(a1x,a1y,b1x,b1y)
    distance=(((a1x-b1x)**2 + (a1y-b1y)**2)**0.5).round(3)
    return distance
    layout_view = RBA::Application.instance.main_window.current_view
    cell_view = layout_view.active_cellview
    layout = cell_view.layout
    viewed_cell = cell_view.cell
    cv = RBA::CellView::active
    top = layout.cell(
    viewed_cell.shapes(path_layer).each do |xx|
    if xx.is_path? then
    pathline = xx.to_s.split(" ")[1]
    pathwidth=(xx.to_s.split(" ")[2].split("=")[1].to_f / 1000.0).round(0)
    path_points =
    path_list.each do |point|
    pointx=(point.split(",")[0].to_f / 1000.0).round(3)
    pointy=(point.split(",")[1].to_f / 1000.0).round(3)
    path_points << "#{pointx},#{pointy}"
    #puts path_points
    new_path_points =
    for i in 0..path_points.size-2
    distance = dis(a1x,a1y,a2x,a2y)
    #puts "it is #{a1x},#{a1y} -- #{a2x},#{a2y} , the distance is #{distance}"
    if distance > (pathwidth / 8.0) then
    new_path_points << path_points[i]
    new_path_points << path_points[-1]
    draw_path_points =
    new_path_points.each do |point|
    point1=, pointy)
    draw_path_points << point1
    viewed_cell.shapes(new_layer).insert(,pathwidth,(pathwidth / 2.0),(pathwidth / 2.0),1)) 
  • Hi jiunnweiyeh

    It's me again, I've adapt your method and do some modification, the change I made is adding a new point at where small line segment is being removed.
    the purpose of this it to keep all the lines at it original place and avoid having lines that is at a wierd angle.

    the process for adding points, for the calculation please refer to this page–line_intersection

    cell_view   = RBA::Application.instance.main_window.current_view.active_cellview
    layout      = cell_view.layout
    viewed_cell = cell_view.cell
    path_layer  = layout.layer(1,0)
    seg_layer   = layout.layer(2,0)
    new_layer   = layout.layer(3,0)
    viewed_cell.shapes(path_layer).each do |shape| 
        if shape.is_path? then
            # check section by section if section lengh is < 1/4 path width
            # if section lenth too short then drop the section
            pointArray   = shape.each_point.to_a
            segmentArray =
            for index in 0..(pointArray.size-2) do
                segment =[pointArray[index], pointArray[index + 1]], shape.path.width )
                if segment.length > shape.path.width/8 then
                    segmentArray << segment
                    #show good sections in segment layer for demostration
            #check each good section to next known good section to see whether they are connected
            #if not connected then calculate the intersection point
            #join two path at intersection point 
            for index in 0..(segmentArray.size-2) do
                    line1 = segmentArray[index  ].each_point.to_a
                    line2 = segmentArray[index+1].each_point.to_a
                    x1, y1, x2, y2 = line1[0].x, line1[0].y, line1[-1].x, line1[-1].y
                    x3, y3, x4, y4 = line2[0].x, line2[0].y, line2[-1].x, line2[-1].y 
                #check whether line is connected, if not then calculate intersection point and connect them
                if !([x2, y2] == [x3, y3]) then
                    px     = ((x1 * y1 - y1 * x2) * (x3 - x4) - (x1 - x2) * (x3 * y4 - y3 * x4)) / ((x1 - x2) * (y3 - y4) - (y1 - y2) * (x3 - x4))
                    py     = ((x1 * y2 - y1 * x2) * (y3 - y4) - (y1 - y2) * (x3 * y4 - y3 * x4)) / ((x1 - x2) * (y3 - y4) - (y1 - y2) * (x3 - x4))
                    segmentArray[index  ].points = [, y1),, py)]
                    segmentArray[index+1].points = [, py),, y4)]
            # create new array and move all good points to form a new path
            pointsArray =
            for index in 0..segmentArray.size-1 do
                line = segmentArray[index].each_point.to_a
                pointsArray << line[0]
                if index == segmentArray.size-1
                    pointsArray << line[-1]
            newPath =, shape.path.width, shape.path.bgn_ext, shape.path.end_ext, shape.path.is_round?)
  • edited July 2023

    Dear all,

    many thanks for this discussion and the nice contributions.

    In general, the problem arises when path segments are shorter than the half-width of the path. This is a situation that should be avoided for well-formed paths (some foundries have respective design rules).

    In your case with the round-ended paths, the usual way of fixing such issues is to resolve paths into sequences of round-ended segments, similar to what the circular aperture in Gerber does. Such a function is not readily available, but it can be scripted:

    # This script is changing all paths with round ends into chains
    # of linear segments.
    # This applies to all layers and each cell.
    ly =
    ly.layer_indexes.each do |li|
      ly.each_cell do |cell|
        shapes = cell.shapes(li)
        paths_to_replace = { |s| s.is_path? && s.path.is_round? && s.path.num_points > 2 }
        paths_to_replace.each do |s|
          last_point = nil    
          s.path.each_point do |p|
            if last_point
              # create a new path with two points, but otherwise identical parameters
              new_path = s.path.dup
              new_path.points = [ last_point, p ]
              # TODO: preserve user properties if needed
            last_point = p

    Here is the effect (red: after, blue: before):

    the takeout shows how the resulting overlay paths become smooth:

    In the PCB/Gerber world, the smooth edge transition following a circular contour is desired, while this is not the case in the VLSI world that KLayout stems from. In this world with Manhattan-style layouts, the corner-edge stitching mode is the commonly accepted behavior and round-ended paths are a legacy concept that usually is avoided.


  • Hi Rawr / Matthias ,
    Got it , Thanks very much for all your share.
    I will try my best to review my coding base on your recommend.
    I knew some part of my code is odd(stange) , that is what result base on try and error in my side.
    some of code didn't have many Math principle / logic , I have to learn more and more.
    Thanks your help.

  • Hi Rawr,
    some of case in your code.. the "((x1 - x2) * (y3 - y4) - (y1 - y2) * (x3 - x4))" will be zero (0)
    I still under try to find other solution :) ,

        px     = ((x1 * y1 - y1 * x2) * (x3 - x4) - (x1 - x2) * (x3 * y4 - y3 * x4)) / ((x1 - x2) * (y3 - y4) - (y1 - y2) * (x3 - x4))
                        py     = ((x1 * y2 - y1 * x2) * (y3 - y4) - (y1 - y2) * (x3 * y4 - y3 * x4)) / ((x1 - x2) * (y3 - y4) - (y1 - y2) * (x3 - x4))
  • edited July 2023

    Hi jiunnweiyeh

    the case that triggers this error is when we tried to find an intersection point of two parallel segments

    I've modified the condition for connecting broken sections
    if the line is not connected, check the slope and create an intersection point of is a non-parallel line orjust reconnect them if is parallel line

    cell_view   = RBA::Application.instance.main_window.current_view.active_cellview
    layout      = cell_view.layout
    viewed_cell = cell_view.cell
    path_layer  = layout.layer(1,0)
    seg_layer   = layout.layer(2,0)
    new_layer   = layout.layer(3,0)
    def lineParameter(twoPoints)
        p1, p2 = twoPoints[0], twoPoints[1]
        dx, dy = (p2[0] - p1[0]), (p2[1] - p1[1])
        return {
            "length" => (dx ** 2 + dy ** 2) ** (0.5), 
            "slope"  => ((dx == 0) ? Float::INFINITY : (dy.to_f / dx)).round(3)
    viewed_cell.shapes(path_layer).each do |shape| 
        if shape.is_path? then
            # check section by section if section lengh is < 1/4 path width
            # if section lenth too short then drop the section
            segmentArray =
            pointArray   = { |p| [p.x, p.y]}
            for index in 0..(pointArray.size-2) do
                segment          = [pointArray[index], pointArray[index + 1]]
                parameters       = lineParameter(segment)
                if parameters["length"] > shape.path.width/8 then
                    segmentArray << segment
                    #show good sections in segment layer for demostration
                    viewed_cell.shapes(seg_layer).insert({|xy|[0], xy[1])}, shape.path.width))
            #check each good section to next known good section to see whether they are connected
            #if not connected then calculate the intersection point
            #join two path at intersection point
            newPointsArray =
            for index in 0..(segmentArray.size-2) do
                line1  = segmentArray[index  ]
                line2  = segmentArray[index+1]
                slope1 = lineParameter(line1)["slope"]
                slope2 = lineParameter(line2)["slope"]
                x1, y1, x2, y2 = line1[0][0], line1[0][1], line1[-1][0], line1[-1][1]
                x3, y3, x4, y4 = line2[0][0], line2[0][1], line2[-1][0], line2[-1][1]
                #check whether line is connected, if not then calculate intersection point and connect them.
                newPointsArray << [x1, y1]
                if !([x2, y2] == [x3, y3]) then
                    if !(slope1 == slope2) then
                        #two line not connected and not parallel, create intersection point .
                        px = ((x1 * y2 - y1 * x2) * (x3 - x4) - (x1 - x2) * (x3 * y4 - y3 * x4)) / ((x1 - x2) * (y3 - y4) - (y1 - y2) * (x3 - x4))
                        py = ((x1 * y2 - y1 * x2) * (y3 - y4) - (y1 - y2) * (x3 * y4 - y3 * x4)) / ((x1 - x2) * (y3 - y4) - (y1 - y2) * (x3 - x4))
                        newPointsArray << [px, py]
                        #two line not connected but is parallel, connect two points.
                        newPointsArray << [x2, y2]
                        newPointsArray << [x3, y3]
                    #two line is already connected, keep as is.
                    newPointsArray << [x2, y2]
            newPointsArray << segmentArray[-1][1]
            # create new array and move all good points to form a new path
            newPath ={|xy|[0], xy[1])}, shape.path.width, shape.path.bgn_ext, shape.path.end_ext, shape.path.is_round?)
  • edited July 2023

    Hi guys,
    I am an student learning optoelectronic chip layout , Sometimes I have a problem which electrical chip won't have. For example
    I write a function to generate Points ,then use[Points],width) to draw a waveguide .Here comes a question: A waveguide have a turn, and the turn radius is small, but the waveguide width is relatively big ,

    then the Polygon drawn is not correct

    As you can see, Its edge is a mess. I think it's the fault points order makes the mess. If I make the spacing between points larger , the mess disappered, But the accuracy will not be enough.
    This problem has been bothering me all along, Anyone have a good idea to solve this?

  • edited July 2023

    Hi Default

    if you check the path segment by segment like the image show below, you'll observe colsely you'll see that the path is actually doing a quite sharp turn and causing the edge portion swinging back and forth and results in a broken edge contour

    follow (0) red --> (1) orange --> (2) yellow --> (3) green --> ...

    To elimitate this the segment length needs to be increased and the angle of each turn needs to be reduced.

    and to have a more accurate control of each turn angle, you might need to adjust to a even finer grid size.

    another way is to adopt Matthias approach and replace path into a round edge segments.

  • Just a thought, but to me looks like there are too many vertices
    and some make for kooky path generation.

    Is it practical to use Partial to select one "don't need" vertex and
    delete it? This seems to work for me, deleting a vertex leaves the
    rest and the path regenerates with one less segment.

    Messy path:

    Partial select one vertex:

    After Delete, one less vertex, still a path:

    I imagine this could be somehow scriptable, to find (say) a vertex
    which lies between two segments which have "abnormal" angles
    (like, I would never make a <90 angle ever - I do 90 and "45s"
    which are really 135 degree, acute angles will always make a
    DRC space / notch error that has to be papered over in the sub-rule
    gap region.

  • Hi All,
    In my view , cause we (bumping house) didn't design RDL (path routing) by our side.
    Our customer make that by them and maybe using Candence APD or other EDA tool to make path routing.
    They just transfer routing file from candence format (mcm/sip) to GDS directly.
    It is why we will face to this issue and need a way to fix it---the routing is been designed by customer.
    and many DRC check result when we do rule check.
    I have to try to find a solution to repair(fix) that because it have rule issue.
    But , I never find the path pattern as Default 's sample in previosuly case.
    In currently , Rawr / Matthias 's script can help me to fix that issue (almost) ,
    some of that still need our designer to modify by manufature.

    But , our customer have another question---Can we only fix (re-path) what the issue path and keep original shape of others path if it is fine?
    I am try to make a script to process it , maybe a space or degree check first for that.
    anyway , Thanks all of your help :)

  • As a practical and business-protection matter, you should have
    published a set of layout groundrules which your RDL process
    can manufacture, and insist that a customer DB run clean to
    some agreed-upon design rules check.

    If you did your part and they did not do theirs, then kick it back
    for rework and reverification.

    If you touch it, then whatever happens becomes your fault
    (unless you get the customer to sign off and make sure no
    loopholes are left, because customers can turn into whiney
    litigous bitches as soon as it costs them anything). Your
    paperwork should be crafted such that they will do their
    damn job rather than try to stuff bad data down your production
    line so they can claim tapeout-on-time.

    Of course this has nothing at all to do with CAD, but more
    "CAD politics".

  • Hi @RawrRanger ,
    Thanks for your help! Now I use a new method:
    Draw this path with width=1(dbu) and then sized that path to the width i need, then cut the head and tail redundant.

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