if you have a KLayout technology file (*.lyt), you can simply import the file using "Tools/Manage Technologies". The right-click on the technology list (left panel) and choose "Import Technology". To produce a technology file, use "Export Technology".
However, a technology may be made from additional files (.lyp files, DRC decks etc.). In that case you have to transfer the whole technology folder which you find in "C:\users\\KLayout\tech" on windows and "~/.klayout/tech" on Linux.
if you have a KLayout technology file (*.lyt), you can simply import the file using "Tools/Manage Technologies". The right-click on the technology list (left panel) and choose "Import Technology". To produce a technology file, use "Export Technology".
However, a technology may be made from additional files (.lyp files, DRC decks etc.). In that case you have to transfer the whole technology folder which you find in "C:\users\\KLayout\tech" on windows and "~/.klayout/tech" on Linux.