See here: https://www.klayout.de/doc-qt5/about/drc_ref_layer.html#h2-3079
If you don't want a "cut-off" of the corners, you have to change the mode:
l1.sized(1.um, 0.5.um, no_limit).output(2, 1)
The default mode is "square_…
You can deposit a layer: deposit(height, lateral, options …), for example:
deposit(0.20, 0.20, :mode => :round)
you can define the width in Y (height), the width in X (lateral) and some options like rounding the corners for instance, bu…
Hi RawrRanger,
I can confirm that it works fine now on 0.28.17. Since my layer names in the test case were quite long I had to increase the setFixedWidth value to 250 to avoid having the layers names not fully displayed (and the sliding bar at the …
Hi Matthias,
I can confirm that it does only take a few minutes to add them again, so not a big issue :D
Just a minor note: for the existing "Ellipse" and "Box" rulers I always change the "Angle constraints" from &qu…
Hi Matthias,
The idea was indeed to be able to select it and undo all actions which are more recent as well, not just the selected one. The goal is to replace multiple undos done one by one (which can be cumbersome if there are dozens) by one step.…
Actually, this small script from Matthias will do fine:
If you don't want it to be hierarchical, you can comment out the else part of the if statement.
A select option in …
The attached script adds a cross ruler to each object selected (shapes and instances). The cross covers the whole Bbox of the object, hence marking the mid points of the sides of boxes as well...
Edit > Selection > Add Extended Cross …
You don't have anything drawn under ruler 2, so you only see the bulk all the way along ruler 2, you don't have any (transitions to) material 1 here, hence you only apply material 2 (0.1) all the way along ruler 2...
It's easier to make a DRC script using the area method (layer.area): https://www.klayout.de/doc-qt5/about/drc_ref_layer.html#h2-128
Here's an example:
# layer inputslayer_DIE_EXTENTS = input("1/0")layer_1 = input("2/0")…
The "Fill cell margin" field in the "Fill Cell" tab defines the minimum space (margin) between first and second order fill cells. The "Fill cell margin" field in the "Options" tab doesn't seem to do an…
I installed the windows master "klayout-master-win64-c64-install.exe" in a new folder "KLayout64bc" but got the following error when running the app:
What could be the issue? The regular version (0.28.11) insta…
I found the script below years ago, don't remember where...
It adds a menu entry: Tools > Export > Hierarchy To Text
It opens up in a Browser window...
Hi Matthias,
I noticed that a new line "\n" in the string "text" parameter results in a space making the "line_spacing" parameter kinda obsolete (at least in version 0.27.13). Can you verify?
Hello Matthias,
I've added a new font type (gds file) in the fonts folder.
Now I would like to instantiate the "TEXT" pcell with this new font type via script.
This works well via the parameter "font", using 1 instead of 0.
But …